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Join date : 2014-02-02
Age : 34
Location : Studying deep-sea bioluminescence with Dr. Casey.

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PostSubject: Skits   Skits 07v2DaMMon Mar 24, 2014 5:07 pm

It's this thread again!

Skits XPnEwr2
Upon a request by Keele to do somethin', I felt it was time I looked into the abyss known as Limbo and retrieved my skit thread! Now this thread is essentially a place where I can place ideas that tickle my muse into skit form. But nonetheless, if anyone else wishes to join in, feel free to! I'd love to see what y'all are capable of with skits! Heck, I can take requests too! My library of skit faces for those who wanna use em. Skits are all about exploring a character(s) depth and learning more about them. Like what's displayed above; Jude learns about the glory of bazongas. Very Happy

Now, I shall do the honors and place the first skit within this thread!

An Extra Bit of Spice

Skits Reid_04 "...With meatloaf set firmly on tray, set oven to 350 degrees and allow meatloaf to bake for 1 hour."

Skits Tumblr_m56d60E1SC1qkfkl4 "Now I just need to find out how to start up this portable oven."

Skits Keele1 "What in the world are you making now, Reid?"

Skits Reid_05 "Today's dinner is going to be extra spicy meatloaf!"

Skits Reid_08 "Only problem is I don't know how to start up this oven."

Skits Keele2 "Did you try actually checking the top of-"

Skits Keele1 "...Wait. Did you just say extra spicy?"

Skits Reid_01 "Yeah, why?"

Skits Keele1 "And you want to cook said spicy meatloaf when we're already this close to nearing Efreet Gorge?"

Skits Reid_04 "Yeah, so....?"

Skits Keele_02 "Has all the heat gone to your head?!"

Skits Reid_07 "No! It's almost dinner time and all we've been having lately is bland foods!"

Skits Keele_04 "Yeah, Reid, you've lost it!"
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Frequently Itches Nose

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Join date : 2014-02-07
Age : 24
Location : 3+3 = llama fields

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PostSubject: Re: Skits   Skits 07v2DaMMon Mar 24, 2014 6:30 pm

Okay, I'm just here to rate that skit, 5/10. PRETTY GOOD!! Make one with Loni and Judas plz
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Join date : 2014-02-02
Age : 30
Location : Hopefully Studying (Ontario, Canada)

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PostSubject: Re: Skits   Skits 07v2DaMMon Mar 24, 2014 8:01 pm

Nice skit Sui! Also love your skit library its so up-to-date!! You have the added NDX faces and QQ, you're basically only missing Galando and I don't even mind that xD
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Posts : 1164
Join date : 2014-02-02
Age : 34
Location : Studying deep-sea bioluminescence with Dr. Casey.

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PostSubject: Re: Skits   Skits 07v2DaMSun Apr 06, 2014 2:14 pm

(I'm not real familiar with ToD 2 characters so they might be OOC!)

Does This Look Good on Me?

Skits Loni-3 "Hey Judas, can I ask you a question!?"

Skits Judas-1 "....Yeah I guess you can."

Skits Loni-6 "You're a man who appreciates the finer things in life, right?"

Skits Judas-1 "What do you mean, the finer thi-"

Skits Loni-4 "You know what would catch the eyes of the fairer sex, right?"

Skits Judas-3 "Ugh, just what are you getting at?!"

Skits Loni-4 "Do you think this tattoo on my lower back is manly enough?"

Skits Judas-4 "Your tattoo, you say?"

Skits Judas-2 "Well... Personally, while I think the shape of the tattoo itself is fine, the color is a bit...girly."

Skits Loni-5 "The color's a bit g-girly?!"

Skits Loni-6 "What color would you recommend, then?"

Skits Judas-5 "I'd most likely go for something like....cupcake pink. That'd certainly grab the attention of the ladies."

Skits Loni-6 "You think so?"

Skits Judas-2 "Oh but of course!"

Skits Loni-2 "Well thanks, Judas! I'm gonna go this reworked right now!"

Skits Judas-5 ".....Heh, talk about gullible."
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Frequently Itches Nose

Posts : 89
Join date : 2014-02-07
Age : 24
Location : 3+3 = llama fields

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PostSubject: Re: Skits   Skits 07v2DaMTue May 06, 2014 5:20 pm

7/10!!!! Leon and Lilith skit?
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You > Evil

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Age : 35
Location : ¡Festejando en 30 segundos!

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PostSubject: Re: Skits   Skits 07v2DaMFri May 16, 2014 2:28 pm

I don't even know where to post this thing but, do you guys remember that 2048 game?
Well, now you can play it with Xillia skit faces.

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PostSubject: Re: Skits   Skits 07v2DaM

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