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 Looking for Tales of voice files

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Looking for Tales of voice files Empty
PostSubject: Looking for Tales of voice files   Looking for Tales of voice files 07v2DaMWed Feb 05, 2014 2:02 am

Not sure if this belongs here or the art forum...

I'm looking for (preferably English-dubbed) stuff like Mystic Artes, sounds effects, battle grunts, etc. I lost the ones I got from that thread when the original forums were still up.
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Looking for Tales of voice files Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for Tales of voice files   Looking for Tales of voice files 07v2DaMWed Feb 05, 2014 8:19 am

I was wondering about this, myself. About whether Vesperia's voice rips are still floating around somewhere, specifically. I have a couple folders' worth from Vesperia, including all the cast members' and bosses battle files, but it's noticeably not a totally complete set of all the lines in the game, and I'm not sure if the archive I downloaded from the old Tales forum was just not complete or if I neglected to actually download everything.

(I'm making followers in Skyrim using Rita and Estelle's voice clips, but I don't have anything to use as greeting clips and Rita's goodbye clip...)
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Looking for Tales of voice files Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for Tales of voice files   Looking for Tales of voice files 07v2DaMWed Feb 05, 2014 10:33 am

I should still have various zips on my PC. I'll see what I can still find.

Edit: I have Abyss, Destiny R and the DS games, but all in Japanese. Want them anyway?
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Looking for Tales of voice files Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for Tales of voice files   Looking for Tales of voice files 07v2DaMSat Feb 08, 2014 7:55 pm

Well, all attempts to find more Vesperia voice rips on Google have proven fruitless. Would you want the ones I've got?
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PostSubject: Re: Looking for Tales of voice files   Looking for Tales of voice files 07v2DaMSat Feb 08, 2014 8:06 pm

Actually I just found Symphonia's, Abyss', Vesperia's, and DotNW's voices hidden away in an untouched part of my hard drive. A bunch of them were renamed because of this video so I'll have to figure out their original names again before I can give them to anyone else who wants them.

Ryu wrote:
I should still have various zips on my PC. I'll see what I can still find.

Edit: I have Abyss, Destiny R and the DS games, but all in Japanese. Want them anyway?

Yeah, I'll take them. I've especially been looking for Japanese Stahn clips Razz
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Looking for Tales of voice files Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for Tales of voice files   Looking for Tales of voice files 07v2DaMSat Feb 08, 2014 11:43 pm

If you could sort them out and upload them, that'd be great. All evidence seems to point to that thread on the old forum being the only repository for the voices, and with it gone they're nowhere to be found.
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PostSubject: Re: Looking for Tales of voice files   Looking for Tales of voice files 07v2DaMSun Feb 09, 2014 12:21 am

Arrei wrote:
If you could sort them out and upload them, that'd be great. All evidence seems to point to that thread on the old forum being the only repository for the voices, and with it gone they're nowhere to be found.

They're only battle voices and sounds effects though. (which I assume you already have from your first post). I don't think any of the downloads from the original forums had story/sidequest dialogue.
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Looking for Tales of voice files Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for Tales of voice files   Looking for Tales of voice files 07v2DaMSun Feb 09, 2014 7:30 am

Hmm, going through a few of these files, I'm thinking the lines I thought were story dialogue were actually just special end-of-battle lines spoken by characters after specific battles.

Either way I meant about uploading the whole lot of them somewhere so we'd have a complete-ish repository on the interwebs again, though.
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PostSubject: Re: Looking for Tales of voice files   Looking for Tales of voice files 07v2DaM

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