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 Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here!

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Crystal Power

Crystal Power

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Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here! Empty
PostSubject: Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here!   Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here! 07v2DaMSat Oct 04, 2014 8:40 pm

Hi, I'm Crystal Power! You can call me Crystal if you prefer. Smile

So it's been about a year since the Bandai Namco Tales forum has been gone, hasn't it? I really missed that place, it was really nice and a good place to talk and interact with other Tales fans, since then Bandai Namco has opened a Tales forum with their main forum and that place isn't anything near like the old one... But here I actually see some of the old member's (whom probably don't know me though lol). I really hope this can be the new Tales forums for us, does this place have any official connection with Bamco? It already has a better banner! Very Happy

Well it's nice to be here! ^_^
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Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here!   Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here! 07v2DaMSat Oct 04, 2014 9:18 pm

Crystal Power, 'tis been long since I last laid eyes on a post of yours! I am truly gladdened that you found our little bastion! Aye, there might even be a few of others that recognize you as well!

Thankfully, our peaceful forum is not ruled by the wretched overlords known as NB or by people who have a penchant for spontaneously obliterating things. Nay you are safe here!

Oh yes and all credit for our beautifully done banner goes to the honorable Moontoon!
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Crystal Power

Crystal Power

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Age : 31
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PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here!   Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here! 07v2DaMSat Oct 04, 2014 9:41 pm

Suikiwiden wrote:
Crystal Power, 'tis been long since I last laid eyes on a post of yours! I am truly gladdened that you found our little bastion! Aye, there might even be a few of others that recognize you as well!

Thankfully, our peaceful forum is not ruled by the wretched overlords known as NB or by people who have a penchant for spontaneously obliterating things. Nay you are safe here!

Oh yes and all credit for our beautifully done banner goes to the honorable Moontoon!
Yay! This is awesome, and it's nice I've been remembered haha! Thank you for the welcome! Very Happy

And Moontoon that banner is absolutely lovely! ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here!   Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here! 07v2DaMSun Oct 05, 2014 2:34 am

Glad to see you managed to activate your account after all! And happy to hear you like the banner. Welcome :3
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Age : 33
Location : Netherlands, The

Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here!   Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here! 07v2DaMSun Oct 05, 2014 7:12 am

I remember you!

Welcome back =D
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Crystal Power

Crystal Power

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Age : 31
Location : United States

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PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here!   Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here! 07v2DaMSun Oct 05, 2014 3:52 pm

Moontoon wrote:
Glad to see you managed to activate your account after all! And happy to hear you like the banner. Welcome :3
Thank you, I couldn't have done it without the help of the admins though! I know I said it but I still can't get enough of the banner, it's really amazing and so accurate for new release and upcoming games! ^_^

Slivendiferious wrote:
I remember you!

Welcome back =D
Yay! Thank you! Glad to be back! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here!   Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here! 07v2DaM

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