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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMWed Dec 17, 2014 6:14 pm

I really hope Zestiria gets a PS4 port down the road. Ugh, Namco pls.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMWed Dec 17, 2014 6:57 pm

Well I guess I'll have to get it on Steam too, gotta get some Shion swag for my Steam profile. I already decided to get it on sale on Vita if that ever happens, so I have a portable copy...

Also I really doubt we'll see PS4 ports of PS3 Tales games. I just don't feel like Namco would do that unless they made it an expanded version so they could adequately f*** over the early adopters.

Txn wrote:
Taiyz wrote:
Sure would be nice if that SaGa 2 remake or whatever came out here.
You mean SaGa 2: Goddess of Destiny, for the DS?
Yes, and it seems that was the one I owned in the past.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMWed Dec 17, 2014 7:28 pm

Taiyz wrote:
Well I guess I'll have to get it on Steam too, gotta get some Shion swag for my Steam profile. I already decided to get it on sale on Vita if that ever happens, so I have a portable copy...

Also I really doubt we'll see PS4 ports of PS3 Tales games. I just don't feel like Namco would do that unless they made it an expanded version so they could adequately f*** over the early adopters.

Couple things:

Sure, a game showing up in the steam database is usually essentially confirmation it's coming to the service and everything, but sometimes things are just ideas that never get past the drawing board. But hey, if that's your kind of game, hope for the port I guess.

Wouldn't be screwing over early adopters really. Persona 5 got a PS4 version announced before launch by Atlus. Bamco could have done that, but instead it looks like they'll leave money on the table for the sake of lower development costs and the Japanese market alone. Game will bomb in the west, I hope Namco doesn't take this as an excuse to stop supporting the series so well, it's on the wrong platform at the wrong time. Stuff like this makes me worried if the mothership titles will continue exclusively on PlayStation home consoles though. I hope they don't turn to handhelds and smartphones.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMWed Dec 17, 2014 8:04 pm

I doubt that Zestiria is going to bomb in the west because it is on ps3 and not ps4. There is not that many rpgs or really that many japanese games yet on ps4 so I can't imagine many of the tales fanbase has up and abandoned ps3 for it. They could have made a ps4 port like persona 5 but there definitely not going to do it now and push back the due date. Persona 5 had little news and was announced months before its initial due date while Zestiria has been giving constant exposure and updates and comes out next month in japan. At best they might do it later but don't get your hopes up.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMWed Dec 17, 2014 9:28 pm

Dracos wrote:
I doubt that Zestiria is going to bomb in the west because it is on ps3 and not ps4. There is not that many rpgs or really that many japanese games yet on ps4 so I can't imagine many of the tales fanbase has up and abandoned ps3 for it. They could have made a ps4 port like persona 5 but there definitely not going to do it now and push back the due date. Persona 5 had little news and was announced months before its initial due date while Zestiria has been giving constant exposure and updates and comes out next month in japan. At best they might do it later but don't get your hopes up.

It's not that, it's people abandoning their old consoles, which may be even more extreme now after the longest gen ever. It happens every gen except to collectors and with the PS3 in a distant 3rd in lifetime sales in the US compared to the 360 (which just surpassed the Wii, only in the US of course), sales are going to be lower. Not as many people are willing to drop that amount of coin on a last-gen game more than a year after current-gen launch.

And yeah, my hopes aren't high. I hope they surprise us and come out with a port at some point.

Still interested in Tales of for PS4 if they ever move on.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMWed Dec 17, 2014 11:43 pm

You missed my point due to the Internet Sarcasm Constant. I'm saying that, because Namco's not doing a simultaneous PS3/PS4 release, I find it unlikely that they will release it on PS4 without significant added content, screwing over the people who bought the PS3 version.

I realize that you have games like Akiba's Trip (a topical example) that got a PS4 version several months after the primary release, but that game was already ripe for porting and it's even coming to the PC as well.

Unless Namco's internal studios get on the current PC-port bandwagon, I think it's very unlikely that we'll see near-simultaneous multiplatform releases of the Tales series.

And Akiba's Trip is everybody's game. At least it better be, if you appreciate nerd culture and humour and GOOD THINGS.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMWed Dec 17, 2014 11:52 pm

TalesofHysteria wrote:

It's not that, it's people abandoning their old consoles, which may be even more extreme now after the longest gen ever. It happens every gen except to collectors and with the PS3 in a distant 3rd in lifetime sales in the US compared to the 360 (which just surpassed the Wii, only in the US of course), sales are going to be lower. Not as many people are willing to drop that amount of coin on a last-gen game more than a year after current-gen launch.

And yeah, my hopes aren't high. I hope they surprise us and come out with a port at some point.

Still interested in Tales of for PS4 if they ever move on.
They will move on, rpgs are just slow to move from last gen to current gen. They didn't make the first ps3 game til 3 years  after the ps3 had came out and persona 4 also came out when the ps3 was on the market. The rpg franchises aren't going to move to ps4 until final fantasy does because their the ambitious ones in terms of graphics that want to switch over to a more powerful system.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMWed Dec 17, 2014 11:56 pm

Taiyz wrote:
You missed my point due to the Internet Sarcasm Constant. I'm saying that, because Namco's not doing a simultaneous PS3/PS4 release, I find it unlikely that they will release it on PS4 without significant added content, screwing over the people who bought the PS3 version.

I realize that you have games like Akiba's Trip (a topical example) that got a PS4 version several months after the primary release, but that game was already ripe for porting and it's even coming to the PC as well.

Unless Namco's internal studios get on the current PC-port bandwagon, I think it's very unlikely that we'll see near-simultaneous multiplatform releases of the Tales series.

And Akiba's Trip is everybody's game. At least it better be, if you appreciate nerd culture and humour and GOOD THINGS.

PC gets enough already, so I don't want them to jump on that bandwaggon. Just makes owning a console not by Nintendo make less sense. Exclusives matter, damnit!

As for Akiba, hey if that's your thing, that's fine. Stripping people in downtown Tokyo is not a premise I'm interested in, no matter how the humour is.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMThu Dec 18, 2014 12:26 am

You do realize that you're stripping vampires to expose them to sunlight, right?
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMThu Dec 18, 2014 1:13 am

Dracos wrote:
TalesofHysteria wrote:

It's not that, it's people abandoning their old consoles, which may be even more extreme now after the longest gen ever. It happens every gen except to collectors and with the PS3 in a distant 3rd in lifetime sales in the US compared to the 360 (which just surpassed the Wii, only in the US of course), sales are going to be lower. Not as many people are willing to drop that amount of coin on a last-gen game more than a year after current-gen launch.

And yeah, my hopes aren't high. I hope they surprise us and come out with a port at some point.

Still interested in Tales of for PS4 if they ever move on.
They will move on, rpgs are just slow to move from last gen to current gen. They didn't make the first ps3 game til 3 years  after the ps3 had came out and persona 4 also came out when the ps3 was on the market. The rpg franchises aren't going to move to ps4 until final fantasy does because their the ambitious ones in terms of graphics that want to switch over to a more powerful system.

Indeed, except Compile Hearts games. I'll also say that aside frim Tales everyone else has either moved or gone cross-gen and the first exclusive FF (albeit a handheld port) comes out in 3 months.

Anyways, I'll maybe end up borrowing or buying my sibling's PS3 for cheap if the quality of PS+ on PS3 declines enough by Zestiria's western release. If not, I'm out of luck, yeah.

Taiyz wrote:
You do realize that you're stripping vampires to expose them to sunlight, right?

Ok. Suspect
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMThu Dec 18, 2014 2:12 am

TalesofHysteria wrote:
Taiyz wrote:
You missed my point due to the Internet Sarcasm Constant. I'm saying that, because Namco's not doing a simultaneous PS3/PS4 release, I find it unlikely that they will release it on PS4 without significant added content, screwing over the people who bought the PS3 version.

I realize that you have games like Akiba's Trip (a topical example) that got a PS4 version several months after the primary release, but that game was already ripe for porting and it's even coming to the PC as well.

Unless Namco's internal studios get on the current PC-port bandwagon, I think it's very unlikely that we'll see near-simultaneous multiplatform releases of the Tales series.

And Akiba's Trip is everybody's game. At least it better be, if you appreciate nerd culture and humour and GOOD THINGS.

PC gets enough already, so I don't want them to jump on that bandwaggon.

PC doesn't have nearly as many Japanese games as the consoles.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMThu Dec 18, 2014 2:51 am

Prinny wrote:
TalesofHysteria wrote:
Taiyz wrote:
You missed my point due to the Internet Sarcasm Constant. I'm saying that, because Namco's not doing a simultaneous PS3/PS4 release, I find it unlikely that they will release it on PS4 without significant added content, screwing over the people who bought the PS3 version.

I realize that you have games like Akiba's Trip (a topical example) that got a PS4 version several months after the primary release, but that game was already ripe for porting and it's even coming to the PC as well.

Unless Namco's internal studios get on the current PC-port bandwagon, I think it's very unlikely that we'll see near-simultaneous multiplatform releases of the Tales series.

And Akiba's Trip is everybody's game. At least it better be, if you appreciate nerd culture and humour and GOOD THINGS.

PC gets enough already, so I don't want them to jump on that bandwaggon.

PC doesn't have nearly as many Japanese games as the consoles.

Because PC's are irrelevant for gaming in Japan.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMThu Dec 18, 2014 6:29 am

And that's mostly because the vast majority of western PC games are first-person which the Japanese hate.

I'm not expecting the landscape to change suddenly, but I wouldn't be surprised if western fans leading the Japanese devs to Steam, ends up leading more Japanese gamers to the PC.

The question is how long it'll continue. Microsoft's initiative to bring JRPGs to the 360 fizzled out after Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vesperia, but there were still some dedicated fans of shoot-'em-ups and visual novels who stuck around. If quality Japanese games come to the PC sooner and more frequently, and CONSISTENTLY then I think things will change in a big way.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMThu Dec 18, 2014 3:46 pm

TalesofHysteria wrote:
Prinny wrote:
TalesofHysteria wrote:
Taiyz wrote:
You missed my point due to the Internet Sarcasm Constant. I'm saying that, because Namco's not doing a simultaneous PS3/PS4 release, I find it unlikely that they will release it on PS4 without significant added content, screwing over the people who bought the PS3 version.

I realize that you have games like Akiba's Trip (a topical example) that got a PS4 version several months after the primary release, but that game was already ripe for porting and it's even coming to the PC as well.

Unless Namco's internal studios get on the current PC-port bandwagon, I think it's very unlikely that we'll see near-simultaneous multiplatform releases of the Tales series.

And Akiba's Trip is everybody's game. At least it better be, if you appreciate nerd culture and humour and GOOD THINGS.

PC gets enough already, so I don't want them to jump on that bandwaggon.

PC doesn't have nearly as many Japanese games as the consoles.

Because PC's are irrelevant for gaming in Japan.

Dating sims.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMThu Dec 18, 2014 8:55 pm

Abicion wrote:
TalesofHysteria wrote:
Prinny wrote:
TalesofHysteria wrote:
Taiyz wrote:
You missed my point due to the Internet Sarcasm Constant. I'm saying that, because Namco's not doing a simultaneous PS3/PS4 release, I find it unlikely that they will release it on PS4 without significant added content, screwing over the people who bought the PS3 version.

I realize that you have games like Akiba's Trip (a topical example) that got a PS4 version several months after the primary release, but that game was already ripe for porting and it's even coming to the PC as well.

Unless Namco's internal studios get on the current PC-port bandwagon, I think it's very unlikely that we'll see near-simultaneous multiplatform releases of the Tales series.

And Akiba's Trip is everybody's game. At least it better be, if you appreciate nerd culture and humour and GOOD THINGS.

PC gets enough already, so I don't want them to jump on that bandwaggon.

PC doesn't have nearly as many Japanese games as the consoles.

Because PC's are irrelevant for gaming in Japan.

Dating sims.

Okay, I'll give you those. "Adult" games too probably.

Taiyz wrote:
And that's mostly because the vast majority of western PC games are first-person which the Japanese hate.

I'm not expecting the landscape to change suddenly, but I wouldn't be surprised if western fans leading the Japanese devs to Steam, ends up leading more Japanese gamers to the PC.

The question is how long it'll continue. Microsoft's initiative to bring JRPGs to the 360 fizzled out after Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vesperia, but there were still some dedicated fans of shoot-'em-ups and visual novels who stuck around. If quality Japanese games come to the PC sooner and more frequently, and CONSISTENTLY then I think things will change in a big way.

What are you talking about?


Neither of the things you said are true by the way, and if you can remember, PC wasn't particularly big in the west from about 2004/5-2010, to the point where several huge western releases right up to and including Red Dead Redemption skipped PC entirely, which hasn't really been seen with Western release too much since.

Japanese games just have very different likes/dislikes in platforms of choice. Smartphone games are a dirty word to many core gamers such as myself in the west, not so in Japan. Dedicated handhelds are still HUGE, 3DS moreso than Vita, and consoles have been on the decline for years. PC has been irrelevant there since at least the early 1990's, if not earlier, to the point where sales trackers (which are released publicly in Japan and have been for ages), never tracked boxed PC games, long before digital distribution took off.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMFri Dec 19, 2014 2:15 am

Oh man, Call of Duty sold well. I am positively shocked. Everything I know is a lie!

I don't really want to keep arguing this because I don't care enough, I know you're wrong (except about the handheld shit that everybody knows) but I've got better things to do than discuss PC gaming history and sales data.

Abicion wrote:
TalesofHysteria wrote:
Prinny wrote:
TalesofHysteria wrote:
Taiyz wrote:
You missed my point due to the Internet Sarcasm Constant. I'm saying that, because Namco's not doing a simultaneous PS3/PS4 release, I find it unlikely that they will release it on PS4 without significant added content, screwing over the people who bought the PS3 version.

I realize that you have games like Akiba's Trip (a topical example) that got a PS4 version several months after the primary release, but that game was already ripe for porting and it's even coming to the PC as well.

Unless Namco's internal studios get on the current PC-port bandwagon, I think it's very unlikely that we'll see near-simultaneous multiplatform releases of the Tales series.

And Akiba's Trip is everybody's game. At least it better be, if you appreciate nerd culture and humour and GOOD THINGS.

PC gets enough already, so I don't want them to jump on that bandwaggon.

PC doesn't have nearly as many Japanese games as the consoles.

Because PC's are irrelevant for gaming in Japan.

Dating sims.
And let's not forget that gaming's all about the "indies" now, when Japan's had massive numbers of doujin games for years.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMFri Dec 19, 2014 5:09 pm

Japan's indie community is pretty great, I'm glad people are starting to notice it more. Their RPGMaker games are awesome. Vgperson has some translated that are worth checking out. I can recommend checking out Mogeko's games and anything in the RPG category, particularly Hero & Daughter because it just won the NicoNico Indie Game Fest last week. Capella's Promise won the Epic RPG reward there as well.

Today some Legend of Legacy gameplay videos popped up on Youtube. It doesn't have the SaGa name, but it definitely looks like one. It also has a soundtrack by Masashi Hamauzu (check his SaGa Frontier 2 songs if you haven't, they're pretty great).



Sparking is in, and it looks like there's some sort of formation system as well.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMSat Dec 20, 2014 1:46 am

That's funny actually. The game got flak for looking too much like Bravely Default, which is basically a Final Fantasy game, and then this is turning out to become a SaGa game.

And yeah there are some excellent doujin games showing up on Steam these days, Japan's had this going on for a long time even though they aren't as visible. People think stuff like Comiket is all about comics, but there's tons of great original (and derivative) games as well.

The Xbox 360 Indie marketplace had some great games, like anything by Alpha Secret Base (which you can download for PC from their homepage for free,) there were the Shooting Chicken games, Protect Me Knight by Etrian Odyssey's composer's game studio, and there was some kooky action game about tempura and a samurai fighting alongside the president or some shit. I'm probably leaving a handful out, as well.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMSat Dec 20, 2014 9:57 pm

New FF Type-0 HD trailer. Game has an M Rating. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20ax_H3wCZY

There's some bloody imagery there, but you can definitely see it in the Prologue video (from the PSP version). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUzU53QIlyQ
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMSat Dec 20, 2014 11:20 pm

Not surprising I heard this is probaly the darkest and bloodiest ff game.

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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMSat Dec 20, 2014 11:35 pm

Wait.  This is only coming out as a high-end PS4 and XBone port?  And it's being marketed as an actual full game instead of a little downloadable thing like AC Liberation HD or Castlevania MoF HD?

But it looks like a late PS2 game.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMSat Dec 20, 2014 11:44 pm

Well it was a psp game, you can only make it look so much better without remaking the whole thing
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMSat Dec 20, 2014 11:54 pm

Welcome to current-gen Japan where everything must be on every Sony platform simultaneously.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMSun Dec 21, 2014 1:33 am

But PS3 is a Sony platform too.
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PostSubject: Re: Today in Gaming   Today in Gaming - Page 21 07v2DaMSun Dec 21, 2014 2:03 am

I'm talking about in general. A lot of games could look a lot better but they're limited by the fact that Japanese devs still want to serve the PS3 and/or Vita.
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