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 What's this anime I can't remember it's name help

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Chosen Zelos
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PostSubject: What's this anime I can't remember it's name help   What's this anime I can't remember it's name help 07v2DaMThu Jan 15, 2015 7:17 am

Okay, it's about this guy who lives in a city and he's with this girl who looks like Orihime from Bleach but with bigger boobs and no real personality, and apparently this guy has a silver haired childhood friend from when he lived in an isolated weird village and NOW that silver haired kid is a heartless killer and summons a robot thing that happens to be a god or something, but, that's okay, the protagonist's lil sister also has a robot god thing and they fight ... come to think of it, i don't even remember the silver haired one having a robot thing, but I KNOW the lil girl has one and ... i dunno, other stuff happens, like the lil sister meets a lil boy who looks like her and also has a robot AND ALSO the protagonist has a dark past involving the silver haired kid f***ing a teacher who then gets killed by village assholes or something and ultimate power and blah blah blah - ANY OF THIS RINGING A BELL WITH ANYONE?

It was from a few years ago, and, I for the life of me can't remember what it's called and my vague descriptions aren't helping google much.

I wanna look it up and see if they ever got a second season or whatever, cuss it wasn't great, but it kept my interest ... and the opening theme looked neat. I think  the show had the word Kami in it SOMEWHERE.


Love, me.
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PostSubject: Re: What's this anime I can't remember it's name help   What's this anime I can't remember it's name help 07v2DaMThu Jan 15, 2015 9:30 am

No bells were rung with me.

Honestly sounds like a bad fanfic.
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Hair Trigger Mage

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PostSubject: Re: What's this anime I can't remember it's name help   What's this anime I can't remember it's name help 07v2DaMThu Jan 15, 2015 10:32 am

What size were the robots - Giant mecha-sized? Doesn't ring any bells and your description could cover tons of anime (lol anime tropes).

assuming "kami" really is in the name, would you recognize it if you saw it in a list?
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School Idol

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PostSubject: Re: What's this anime I can't remember it's name help   What's this anime I can't remember it's name help 07v2DaMThu Jan 15, 2015 11:13 am

Kamisama Dolls kinda sounds like it though I haven't seen it so idk
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King Cat the Sixth

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PostSubject: Re: What's this anime I can't remember it's name help   What's this anime I can't remember it's name help 07v2DaMThu Jan 15, 2015 12:22 pm

Yep Kamisama Dolls.

I've only read the manga, but the bits that you mentioned (especially that bit with the fornicating with teacher and the villagers doing shitty things) is the exact same. Goddamn, NTR always make me rage, and this scene in particular is a double layered NTR so my rage is squared.
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School Idol

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PostSubject: Re: What's this anime I can't remember it's name help   What's this anime I can't remember it's name help 07v2DaMThu Jan 15, 2015 12:42 pm

I mean, I remembered Kamisama Dolls having some sort of robot, and I did a quick search on MAL and saw said silver haired character looking ruthless. But yay I nailed it!

Yeah, was about to watch it until I was told not to by fellow high school anime viewers. It's looks and now sounds like an iffy watch from what you're saying.
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King Cat the Sixth

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PostSubject: Re: What's this anime I can't remember it's name help   What's this anime I can't remember it's name help 07v2DaMThu Jan 15, 2015 1:06 pm

If it's any help, those villagers received their retribution in the absolute delicious way of Anti-NTR dismemberment.

The deed was still done though, so that still left a very bitter taste.
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Admin Idol

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PostSubject: Re: What's this anime I can't remember it's name help   What's this anime I can't remember it's name help 07v2DaMThu Jan 15, 2015 3:56 pm

The sad thing is that "Orihime with bigger boobs" was pretty much all I needed to remember Hibino. Silver-haired childhood friend guy with a mech thing and isolated village cemented the rest of the description.

Oh man, it took me a good 5 minutes to remember the disgusting shit with the teacher, if I remember right the silver-haired guy went all "it was me, Dio!" on the protagonist? For a series with such young primary characters it had some fucked up content. At the very least the NTR in the modern timeline didn't succeed.

I actually really liked Hibino (and man, those jubblies, enough cannot be said about those,) the problem was that the show focused on all of the shittiest characters.

I don't need a show to constantly berate me with how awesome its protagonist is, but at the very least don't make them a mopey never-strong-enough twit for 90% of the show.
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PostSubject: Re: What's this anime I can't remember it's name help   What's this anime I can't remember it's name help 07v2DaMFri Jan 16, 2015 2:07 am

Kamisama Dolls was one of the most infuriating shows I watched the whole season through just to see it end and then it didn't even do that.
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Admin Idol

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PostSubject: Re: What's this anime I can't remember it's name help   What's this anime I can't remember it's name help 07v2DaMFri Jan 16, 2015 2:12 am

It's pretty rare for anime to have satisfying endings, honestly. I remember reading an article at one point that apparently in general the Japanese like leaving a lot of things up to viewer interpretation, which often leads to a lot of non-endings. They're also super non-committal if we use shounen romances as any sort of example (it's why I like stuff like SAO...)
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Chosen Zelos
Spicy Potato
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PostSubject: Re: What's this anime I can't remember it's name help   What's this anime I can't remember it's name help 07v2DaMTue Jan 20, 2015 5:21 am

It WAS Kamisama Dolls. Thank you everybody. I was goin' nuts for a sec.

What's this anime I can't remember it's name help Kamisa10

Taiyz wrote:
I actually really liked Hibino (and man, those jubblies, enough cannot be said about those,) the problem was that the show focused on all of the shittiest characters.
I was just being snark. I think I liked her too at the time when I saw the show ... I honestly just don't remember much about her other than her boobles and that the main guy likes her. And people are kidnapping her cuss they know he likes her or some shit. <_<

I honestly just remember watching the show and thinking this is OK. A weird mesh of what's cute and what's dark and what we can get in the end. But it killed time at a point of my life where I was thinking "aya haven't seen no anime in no while, wat's new? This? OK." And in that regard, it did it's job.

Also I thought the opening animation was neat and I liked the endin' theme.
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PostSubject: Re: What's this anime I can't remember it's name help   What's this anime I can't remember it's name help 07v2DaM

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