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 Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!

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Celestial Phoenix
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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaMSat Apr 18, 2015 12:31 am

The writing was good in 4, since when?
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Admin Idol

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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaMSat Apr 18, 2015 1:30 am

It's amazing how quick you all went from excited to shit-talking.

I for one welcome the future that is diamond-shaped clothing.
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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaMSat Apr 18, 2015 1:36 am

I was more talking about how 4 was actually about space travel instead of throwing you on some backwater generic fantasyland planet for 3/4 of the game, defeating the purpose of making a JRPG about space travel to begin with.

I like Star Ocean, but it really irks me that they've barely made any effort to address the series' glaring flaws after 5 games. The series has the potential to be so much more than what it is, but tri-Ace is squandering that potential.
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Celestial Phoenix

Celestial Phoenix

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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaMSat Apr 18, 2015 1:58 am

Prinny wrote:
The writing was good in 4, since when?

Characters are important to me when it comes to general writing quality. No matter how well the plot is told in the story with little plot holes or "f*** you, reader" moments or how well expressed the exposition is - if I dislike the characters, I'm not going to like the story. I'm only clarifying.
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Amazing Dawg Idol

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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaMSat Apr 18, 2015 3:10 am

Zacewing wrote:
I was more talking about how 4 was actually about space travel instead of throwing you on some backwater generic fantasyland planet for 3/4 of the game, defeating the purpose of making a JRPG about space travel to begin with.
Couldn't agree more. We already have Tales doing that fantasy shtick. Star Ocean needs to be, you know, about the actual Star Ocean.

Phantasia memories still strong with Tri-Ace.

And after reading more about the things going on in space, it made me even more annoyed that SO always throws you in a medieval setting and location.

But still tho, hyped cause Tri-Ace manages to make fun combat systems.
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King Cat the Sixth

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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaMSat Apr 18, 2015 5:55 pm

I actually was very excited when SO2 start with Claude having a freaking laser gun so awesome the plebs thought he's a legendary hero wielding sword of light. But no, he had to damage it/emptied the ammo (I don't remember what happened) and stuck with sword.

If they're going for the underdeveloped schtick again, I hope they go with the plebs worshipping tank and helicopter god that descends from heaven.

Like in Gate JSDF.
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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaMSat Apr 18, 2015 7:07 pm

^ You DARE call the mighty Expellians plebs?!
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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaMSat Apr 18, 2015 10:31 pm

One of the screenshots showed a spaceship, hopefully that's something you get to sooner rather then later. That's one thing SO4 definitely got right.
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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaMSun Apr 19, 2015 2:08 pm

Air Raid is back? Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 FYZTWn9
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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaMSun Apr 19, 2015 3:45 pm

I like the graphics of this game, and the character designs a lot (appearance-wise anyway).

It's just that I have to cover the girl in the diamond shaped clothes so she can't distract me from the rest of the screenshot. That being said, I am all for "the future that is diamond shaped clothing", to quote Taiyz a page back, but I can't help but wonder about how uncomfortable it would be to wear that.

And what would be the appropriate male variant of that outfit... It's going to boil down to just a hammock isn't it?

Oh well, you get used to everything, I suppose. I'm pretty sure that when I get around to actually playing the game, I won't be distracted by her outfit anymore in the slightest. Especially if there are others with the same motif/ outfit.
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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaMMon May 11, 2015 3:56 am

Will buy on PlayStation 4...if it gets localized (it's a console JRPG so it should.)
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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaMMon May 11, 2015 1:40 pm

Given how the other main games in the series have been localized, I'm sure this one will as well. I doubt the PS3 version will be localized, though.
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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaMMon May 11, 2015 2:46 pm

Agreed. It's pretty much guaranteed SO5 will be localized.
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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaMMon May 11, 2015 3:01 pm

Prinny wrote:
Given how the other main games in the series have been localized, I'm sure this one will as well. I doubt the PS3 version will be localized, though.
No way that version will come West. Dragon Quest Heroes will be PS4 exclusive in the West and that's coming from Square Enix sooner. PS4 time now.
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Celestial Phoenix

Celestial Phoenix

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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaMMon May 11, 2015 4:29 pm

Sony does want more PS4 sales in the West, and Square is pretty much their wingman.
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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaMMon May 11, 2015 6:50 pm

Celestial Phoenix wrote:
Sony does want more PS4 sales in the West, and Square is pretty much their wingman.

The world needs a hero.

Not smartphone games... Evil or Very Mad
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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!   Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4! - Page 2 07v2DaM

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Star Ocean 5 Announced by Square Enix, Internet explodes, main character already looks better than 4!
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