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 Rage of Bahamut getting a sequel!

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Hair Trigger Mage

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Rage of Bahamut getting a sequel! Empty
PostSubject: Rage of Bahamut getting a sequel!   Rage of Bahamut getting a sequel! 07v2DaMWed May 06, 2015 9:35 am


Honestly not sure how I feel about this. Rage of Bahamut is absolutely amazing, so much so that I think about it and all I can think about with a second season is "how on earth would they top the first season?" How much much creativity can you pour into something before the new content pales in comparison to the old content?

Usually I'm all for more of an anime because they're based off of an LN or a manga so there's more of the source material to go off of, but there was nothing this was based on aside from a mobile game and the studio had full creative freedom. As much as I loved Rage of Bahamut, I kinda feel like a sequel could ruin it.
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PostSubject: Re: Rage of Bahamut getting a sequel!   Rage of Bahamut getting a sequel! 07v2DaMWed May 06, 2015 1:33 pm


I liked the first season and hopefully, the 2nd season will be even better!
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PostSubject: Re: Rage of Bahamut getting a sequel!   Rage of Bahamut getting a sequel! 07v2DaMSat May 09, 2015 4:35 pm

See, I don't think a sequel would ruin Rage of Bahamut because the series had an open-ended ending that left the possibility of a sequel in the first place. I really enjoyed Rage of Bahamut, so I'm really happy about this.
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Admin Idol

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Rage of Bahamut getting a sequel! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rage of Bahamut getting a sequel!   Rage of Bahamut getting a sequel! 07v2DaMSun May 10, 2015 2:17 am

It can go either way. Basically the point is they need to realize what made the series good and who liked the show, so they don't end up catering to a specific audience and ruining the appeal.

Which is an odd thing to say about an anime based on a fucking TCG but Rage of Bahamut is like one of a single-digit group of successful MMO/TCG/pachislot/mobile anime adaptations.
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PostSubject: Re: Rage of Bahamut getting a sequel!   Rage of Bahamut getting a sequel! 07v2DaM

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