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 Skits/Skit Viewer

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PostSubject: Skits/Skit Viewer   Skits/Skit Viewer 07v2DaMSun Oct 25, 2015 10:45 pm

So, I completely forgot to check for skits at save points between the time I left the dungeon where I Armaritized for the first time and when I get invited to the royal palace. Did I miss a while bunch, because I feel like I didn't activate many. I still got the discovery point skits.

Is there a skit viewer late or post game so I can check what I missed (if there's any missing skits I didn't activate)?

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King Cat the Sixth

King Cat the Sixth

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PostSubject: Re: Skits/Skit Viewer   Skits/Skit Viewer 07v2DaMTue Oct 27, 2015 6:37 am

Since there's apparently a Katz village, I'm pretty sure we'll get Skit Viewer. Not yet in post game but I heard/read people saying that you can buy missed skit there for 50000 gald each.

I learned this the hard way but you should probably eat every meal (sometimes multiple times) in inn after every major story progression until you have no more skits to view. I'm pretty sure I missed a whole bunch because I thought it'd only be one skit at first.
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Age : 30
Location : Hopefully Studying (Ontario, Canada)

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PostSubject: Re: Skits/Skit Viewer   Skits/Skit Viewer 07v2DaMThu Oct 29, 2015 7:20 am

Good to know, thank you!!
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PostSubject: Re: Skits/Skit Viewer   Skits/Skit Viewer 07v2DaM

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