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 Beautiful snow

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Admin Idol

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PostSubject: Beautiful snow   Beautiful snow 07v2DaMThu Nov 12, 2015 6:05 am

Hey guys, so this is another obtuse "genre" thread.

I really like the look of snowy environments (unless we're talking about boring glacial videogame-y environments, f*** those.) I recently finished Ghost in the Shell: Arise which progresses into winter and looks absolutely gorgeous while doing so. There are plenty of other shows and story arcs that take place and look good in the winter. Episode 3 of Sword Art Online (and I think some parts of Mother's Rosario?,) a story arc in Allison and Lillia, Kanon. In particular these examples combine snowy visuals with some very "warm" scenes as well, whether they involve fire-lit cabins or camaraderie. That's the best.

I'm hoping that you guys know some more shows that have a nice helping of some sublime snowfall, they don't have to be all about or take place in the winter season, but I would like it to be a noteworthy motif. Please warn me if there's depressing romantic drama though, I haven't gotten the urge to sit through one of those since Clannad was airing.
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Dr. Casey
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Dr. Casey

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PostSubject: Re: Beautiful snow   Beautiful snow 07v2DaMThu Nov 12, 2015 8:12 am

Snow settings a best. Nagi no Asukara's a good example, since the second half takes place entirely in a wintery, snowy landscape.
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PostSubject: Re: Beautiful snow   Beautiful snow 07v2DaMThu Nov 12, 2015 3:20 pm

I too love settings with falling snow! Especially if it's also nighttime. It's just so peaceful somehow.

And yes, Nagi no Asukara is a beautiful anime <3 I think there was snow in Kyoukai no Kanata as well?
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PostSubject: Re: Beautiful snow   Beautiful snow 07v2DaMMon Dec 14, 2015 3:36 pm

I think there's snow in ef: A Tale of Memories, though that is indeed a dramatic romance. The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya is a top example, though probably not a new one. Non Non Biyori has some snow episodes, though infrequent. For atmospheric falling snow, the snow episodes of Mushishi would definitely be at the top. Log Horizon 2's got some snow as well, I think (though it also has the DEENening).

Snow is pretty great.
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PostSubject: Re: Beautiful snow   Beautiful snow 07v2DaM

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