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 Totally new to this community

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Join date : 2017-11-03
Age : 32
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PostSubject: Totally new to this community   Totally new to this community 07v2DaMFri Nov 03, 2017 1:26 pm

Hello there, I just joined a little while ago... well, technically I registered last night or so but in my impatience I contacted someone to get my account activated. :P Sorry if I was a bit impatient.

I've been a long time fan of the Tales franchise. I've played all the mothership titles save for Dawn of the New World, Vesperia PS3, and whatever remakes they made of Hearts and Innocence. I've been importing Japanese games since about 2004, so I'm no stranger to the games that have only received JP releases (Rebirth and the Destiny Remake sooo deserve to be played by everyone...)

Hopefully this forum is fairly active, because it seems to me that it's the most active Tales fan community there is. I love these games, and I can't wait to discuss them and help people out with them. :)

Also, I couldn't quite find any rules threads in the Announcements/Rules section... am I looking in the wrong place or does this forum just go by common sense? If thats the case I am totally cool with that, but if it has specific rules I'd like to be pointed in their direction.
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Join date : 2017-03-24

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PostSubject: Re: Totally new to this community   Totally new to this community 07v2DaMFri Nov 03, 2017 1:54 pm


It's always nice to see members who played the games only released in Japan and I totally agree about Destiny Remake/Director's Cut and Rebirth!!

Sadly, the forumitself is not very active these days but maybe it'll get better eventually. ^^
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Join date : 2017-11-03
Age : 32
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PostSubject: Re: Totally new to this community   Totally new to this community 07v2DaMFri Nov 03, 2017 2:54 pm

Thanks for the welcome! Hopefully I can help liven the place up a bit too. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Totally new to this community   Totally new to this community 07v2DaMFri Nov 03, 2017 6:26 pm

Hello! Sorry again for the delay. Not sure what happened to the rules. Will have to look into that. Until then, common sense gets you far. You seem like a cool person, too. Welcome!
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Join date : 2017-11-03
Age : 32
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PostSubject: Re: Totally new to this community   Totally new to this community 07v2DaMSat Nov 04, 2017 8:26 am

No worries about any delay! I run my own fansite (mostly the forum side of it since I'm no sysadmin) and for a while we had a problem with spambots so we were having admins manually approve members until someone with better knowledge than me edited a bit of code that seems to fool most bots.

I do pretty well with common sense too, so that's fine by me. Just wanted to know in case I missed them. Thanks again for the welcome!
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PostSubject: Re: Totally new to this community   Totally new to this community 07v2DaM

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