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 ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere

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ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere Empty
PostSubject: ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere   ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere 07v2DaMMon Dec 25, 2017 2:13 am

What changes?
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School Idol

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ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere Empty
PostSubject: Re: ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere   ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere 07v2DaMMon Apr 16, 2018 5:22 am

Sup Abby kun
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ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere Empty
PostSubject: Re: ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere   ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere 07v2DaMSat Apr 28, 2018 10:54 pm

Does she get her signature chain? If so I'd imagine she'd have a much easier time fighting anyone since those weapons were shown to be much stronger than any non gem weapon.

Wasn't the chain canonically the weakest of them though? I think so but I don't remember where I heard that. And there's never been a huge amount of extra Odin Sphere lore either. Maybe it was just some random guy on gamefaqs.
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ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere Empty
PostSubject: Re: ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere   ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere 07v2DaMWed Jun 13, 2018 2:01 am

I know what doesn't change: the amount of fanservice.
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Join date : 2018-06-01

ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere Empty
PostSubject: Re: ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere   ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere 07v2DaMThu Mar 07, 2019 4:19 pm

I think maybe a lot kinda different characters... in many ways... I think.
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ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere Empty
PostSubject: Re: ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere   ToB except Velvet from ToB gets replaced by Velvet from Odin Sphere 07v2DaM

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