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 PNW Elixir Con: A fan hosted Tales of themed event in Washington State

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Join date : 2014-07-07

PNW Elixir Con: A fan hosted Tales of themed event in Washington State Empty
PostSubject: PNW Elixir Con: A fan hosted Tales of themed event in Washington State   PNW Elixir Con: A fan hosted Tales of themed event in Washington State 07v2DaMWed Apr 05, 2023 1:35 am

When: March 15-17th, 2024

Where: Des Moines, WA

Registration: https://www.eventbee.com/v/pnw-elixir-con/event?eid=279600692#/tickets

Events include talent show, cosplay & skit contest, Bantem bouncing dance battle, masquerade ball, slumber party night, meet ups, panels, and artist alley.

Artist Alley application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd3vZhynNiRjHhIdmM9pWuiGBNVg8VafqEoXnGW2kmobOq7ZA/viewform

Copied and pasted from the website:

We're a group of excitable nerds forming together to create for you an incredible weekend experience! Started from the small, simple idea and passion for the series-we bring you PNW Elixir Con!  We're gearing up for our first year March 15-17, 2024 so stay tuned to our social media pages! In the meantime, we have a mini virtual convention on our discord August 18-20, 2023!

Website: https://pnwelixircon.weebly.com/

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/p/PNW-Elixir-Con-100088197737656/?hc_ref=ARTVHRcV6vqWRg0XhDaSiDPQg2-ykNtcGeboHecPayZAxgOC6rrYusP4ynRVYJd3bYs&fref=nf&_rdr

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PNW_Elixir_Con

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/fKKEdgr9

Email: PNWElixirCon@gmail.com
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PNW Elixir Con: A fan hosted Tales of themed event in Washington State
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