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 procrastinating on procrastination

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King Cat the Sixth

King Cat the Sixth

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procrastinating on procrastination Empty
PostSubject: procrastinating on procrastination   procrastinating on procrastination 07v2DaMTue Oct 04, 2016 10:53 am

Made a plagiarism (sorta) of Tales of Berseria title screen because UV mapping/texturing models is 2hard4my nub 3D modeling self. And I'm modeling stuff because I'm procrastinating on works. Procrastinaception.

https://goo.gl/ZqIFgz - unavailable for Chrome, need to install Unity Web Player and stuff, but isn't buggy.

https://goo.gl/pmk86P - can be opened in Chrome but buggy. And NO SHADOWS, holy shit that's unforgivable.

procrastinating on procrastination Title-screen1
ihavenoideawhatnameishouldput. get it? get it?...ok im an idiot
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King Cat the Sixth

King Cat the Sixth

Posts : 442
Join date : 2014-02-05
Age : 202
Location : Holy Anri Nation

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PostSubject: Re: procrastinating on procrastination   procrastinating on procrastination 07v2DaMMon Oct 17, 2016 8:25 am

1080p60fps because i can lololol. also, being weeab and using kanji that i don't even know the correctness of them.

I probably should use cloth physics for the coat thing instead of vertex grouping it with the skeleton rig. Looks so weird. Also, I think I should do a better job with the texturing process, maybe hand-painting the texture instead of just using flat colors.

Oh well, I don't have access to graphic tablet and motion capture devices until February next year, so I'll just use what I have for now.

Supposedly, the final outcome would be something like this, but I'm probably making plenty of changes later, depending whether coding Xillia style or Zestiria style is easier:
procrastinating on procrastination Tales_of_noidea__battle_hud_by_fadielchaos-d5qhpmr
I drew(lol) this when Narikiri Dungeon X was released, imagine my squee when Zestiria uses almost the same system as what I envisioned (EBG+Blast Gauge >> SC + BG). I also had an Arte Triangle system in mind when making this but I'm thinking more on the line that Grrappling > Blocking > Evasion > Grappling.
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