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 Attack on Titan

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Yume Hanabi
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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMSun Apr 13, 2014 11:27 pm

Attack on Titan licensed for TV broadcast on Toonami starting May 3rd at 11:30 pm

Basically getting the first 5 episodes before the DVD/Blue-Ray release.
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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMMon Apr 14, 2014 2:09 pm

I will never stop loving Toonami. <3
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School Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMTue May 06, 2014 4:47 pm

Sigh, newest chapter....

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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMTue May 06, 2014 5:04 pm

Welp, I regret scrolling down her wiki page. O_O

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School Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMTue May 06, 2014 6:35 pm

Spoiler tags seem to have the opposite effect of what they're supposed to do.
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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMTue May 06, 2014 6:44 pm

Falcom wrote:
Spoiler tags seem to have the opposite effect of what they're supposed to do.

Attack on Titan - Page 2 XoX8eet

Silly Fal!
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School Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMTue May 06, 2014 8:29 pm

Attack on Titan - Page 2 Chitanda-oao
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Amazing Dawg Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMWed May 07, 2014 2:15 am

So even with a common enemy, mankind still wants to kill each other.

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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMTue May 13, 2014 10:25 am

Good show, hope they announce a second season soon, not gonna bother reading the manga, not a fan.
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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMTue May 13, 2014 6:19 pm

2nd season will probably happen, but since the manga is a monthly serialization, it'll probably be a while before they have enough material for a 2nd season.

imo, Attack on Titan is above average, but still riddled with a lot of problems. I think it's pretty overrated.
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Admin Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMTue May 13, 2014 10:01 pm

Eh, it's just the latest "big anime of the season." Your typical Fullmetal Alchemist, Gurren Lagann, Sword Art Online, Kill la Kill. Garners some exposure outside of the community, but also has a lot of skeptics who just don't get anime: it's weird, too sexed-up or the pacing is slow, etc. Give it a couple years and more people will share your opinion, and be REALLY annoying about how much they dislike it, too.
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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMWed May 14, 2014 6:32 am

I like the abridged series, but not enough/ too much to watch the original.
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Admin Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMWed May 14, 2014 12:02 pm

http://www.union-creative.jp/sentinel/brade.html check out this iPhone case, made to look like the trigger of an omnithinger.
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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMWed May 14, 2014 3:28 pm

Pretty cool :') Almost makes me want to get one.
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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMWed May 14, 2014 3:55 pm

Oh that's pretty badass!
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Admin Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMSun Jun 08, 2014 8:51 pm

So the disc release is pretty underwhelming, definitely reeks of a rush job. For reference I've watched the first 5 episodes dubbed on blu-ray (first disc includes 1-9, with commentary for episode...3?)

The dub is perfectly fine, but it is a movie mix because there's good music and a lot of action. This means that dialogue is really quiet most of the time, to bring the other stuff, such as sound effects, to the forefront.

Eren's dub voice is pretty good. Maybe not the best voice they could've picked, but sufficient. Much like in Steins;Gate, I didn't think they were gonna find an actor with a vocal "bite" close to the Japanese counterpart. Eren's Japanese VA was just that fucking good at sounding full of hatred. Oddly enough the highlight is Armin's voice. Dude's got some serious pipes.

The entire cast actually does a really good job of matching the sound of the Japanese actors. Like, it's surprisingly similar. They don't hit all the same notes, obviously, but they are surprisingly close in a lot of ways and FUNimation's usually-excellent script-writing makes the dub more enjoyable overall. BTW, it's Omni-Directional Mobility Gear in the dub, and they use ODM as an abbreviation, which I think was a smart decision (I realize that they could've used 3DM but it still sounds awkward that way.)

My only complaint is that they use some pretty obscure terms, given the setting, and it makes you want to rewind, thinking "wait, what did they just say?" There is of course a bit of modern dialogue that kind of clashes with that stuff, but fansubs were way worse in this area.

What makes it seem like a rush job, would be the subtitles. Minor complaints would be the song subs, in which the German isn't subtitled AT ALL and there are no Japanese sing-a-long subtitles, the latter being a standard of anime subtitling (normally they trade off, English lyrics for one episode, Japanese for the next.) There's just a translation this time, and only Japanese is translated.

The bigger offense is the fact that the eye-catches are not subtitled or edited in any way. This means that you just miss out on a lot of the lore, not that it's necessary, but I think it's very important. Considering that my assumption is that they rushed this to cash in on their Adult Swim release, why would they not make an edited version of the eye-catches for TV, then put them on the discs?

I realize that they didn't want to sub them because of the sheer amount of text, so I'm hoping that the second disc in the set will have translations as an extra or something, but it's still shitty.

I can't remember how on-screen text is handled, so I can't really use that as fuel for this "argument." I want to say that if text is not over top of animation, then it's edited (again, presumably for Adult Swim) but it might all be subtitled and I may be misremembering.

There's basically no setup on the disc either. You can't choose to enable/disable subs, all you can do is choose between English 5.1 or Japanese 2.0, and the subs are picked automatically and cannot be disabled (trying to manipulate sub options outside of the menu is prevented.) I haven't tried watching the Japanese subs mind you, but I'm assuming those cannot be disabled in an attempt to annoy reverse-importers.

So yeah, for the biggest anime in recent years, accompanied by two kinds of special Limited Editions (with non-standard packaging for FUNimation, I should mention, so they really tried to make this special) one of which being more expensive and limited to FUNimation.com (which I got,) I am very underwhelmed by the presentation.

The standard LE comes with a book-style disc case, the two DVDs on the left and the blu-rays on the right (differing episode lists BTW because of DVD space limits.) There's a holographic version of the cover included (it's not glued down or anything, just beneath the factory seal) and a small artbook between the two "covers" of the book. The artbook really just contains the standard concept art you'd find on the Japanese website and descriptions taken mostly from the dub's script, at the beginning of episode 4. There are some chibi comics too, but I'm not sure where they're from. They're subtitled instead of being translated like a proper manga release, very strange. The artbook would've been a good place for the eye-catches, but they aren't there.

The FUNimation.com LE just comes with an extra envelope with the logo on it, featuring a Flesh-Paring Blade keychain, a necklace of Eren's cellar key (it's about a quarter of the size of the actual key) and pins for each of the military divisions.

Edit: I can confirm that some (probably all) on-screen text is edited. Episode titles feature no Japanese in the background, text is replaced, and a bit of text in episode 9 saying "Behind Wall Rose" faded in and out without Japanese text on-screen (this is where the girls are discussing about how they attempted to bring supplies to the guys in the previous episode, but couldn't.) Subtitles wouldn't have an effect like that.

Regarding the OP quickly, on-screen text is entirely replaced, but that seems standard for FUNimation these days (I think Haganai used that for its OPs but text was otherwise subtitled in the actual show) and because the logo features the English name at the bottom, it appears to be unedited (from my memory anyways) and is not subtitled in any way.

So yeah. It's hard to say whether the "hardsubbing" is because of Adult Swim or prevention of reverse-importing, but that makes it inexcusable that they didn't bother with the eye-catches (I guess because the imagery is more complicated, they didn't want to make a mess of it, or they had no access to text-less versions.)

I'll also note that the voices of the titans (at least the transformed ones) are re-dubbed for some reason.

Double Edit: Yes there is a gallery of translated eye-catches. It's competent but you can't view the full screen art, you'd have to load up the actual episodes again (it's translated like the LE 4koma.) It still annoys me.

The animated chibi shorts are more fun and they showcase Mikasa's killer abs.

Last edited by Taiyz on Sat Jun 14, 2014 5:38 am; edited 2 times in total
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School Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMTue Jun 10, 2014 5:58 pm

New chapter up


Also mawr spoiler more Dylan, RIP buddy.
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Amazing Dawg Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMTue Jun 10, 2014 6:27 pm

Great. The first I see my name in something, I was a killed mook.

GG Isayama
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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMWed Jun 11, 2014 12:37 am

Dogue be like:

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Isayama strikes again. Destined to die as fodder death.
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Admin Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaMThu Jul 02, 2015 12:21 am

So FUNimation licensed the live action movie series and they're going to be holding the world premiere. Kinda scary the things FUNimation is achieving these days.
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PostSubject: Re: Attack on Titan   Attack on Titan - Page 2 07v2DaM

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