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 Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup?

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Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? Empty
PostSubject: Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup?   Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? 07v2DaMMon Feb 24, 2014 9:48 pm

pretty much title.

I was hoping we'd see someone from symphonia 2 or 1 since 2 was after all, a wii game.

would be badass playing Emil in a smash game.
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Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup?   Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? 07v2DaMMon Feb 24, 2014 10:37 pm

I highly doubt it.

Though I am crossing my fingers and carrying 7 rabbit feet hoping that this dream will turn into reality  Smile 
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Handsome Hobo

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Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup?   Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? 07v2DaMMon Feb 24, 2014 11:16 pm

Probably not.
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Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup?   Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? 07v2DaMTue Feb 25, 2014 4:58 am

I don't need yet another swordsman in that game... aside from Isaac, he could use Psynergy Razz
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Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup?   Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? 07v2DaMTue Feb 25, 2014 5:08 am

Zwei.0 wrote:
I don't need yet another swordsman in that game... aside from Isaac, he could use Psynergy Razz
I'd kill to see him use either Ragnarok or Odyssey.
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Literal Pokémon Master

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Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup?   Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? 07v2DaMTue Feb 25, 2014 4:54 pm

Well Namco are behind the new game, so I suppose it's possible. ToS was an important game for the Gamecube as it had very few RPGs at the time and was a fair success, so I'd given Lloyd a slight chance of making the cut.

...That is, until Symphonia Chronicles was announced as PS3 exclusive. Now I don't think there'll be any Tales characters in SSB :/
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The White Knight

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Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup?   Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? 07v2DaMFri Feb 28, 2014 1:41 am

From what I hear they're only working on the single player part we might see some trophies of tales things though but a fighter I doubt v.v
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Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup?   Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? 07v2DaMFri Feb 28, 2014 5:07 am

TrulyBigHeaded wrote:

...That is, until Symphonia Chronicles was announced as PS3 exclusive. Now I don't think there'll be any Tales characters in SSB :/

I am not an expert, but Snake's games were never on the GC, right?
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Handsome Hobo

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Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup?   Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? 07v2DaMFri Feb 28, 2014 5:34 am

Zwei.0 wrote:
TrulyBigHeaded wrote:

...That is, until Symphonia Chronicles was announced as PS3 exclusive. Now I don't think there'll be any Tales characters in SSB :/

I am not an expert, but Snake's games were never on the GC, right?

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes was for the Gamecube.
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Bo Staff Katana
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Bo Staff Katana

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Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup?   Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? 07v2DaMSun Mar 02, 2014 12:13 am

I think if any Tales character has a chance to make it, it would be Luke since Abyss on the 3DS is much more recent than Symphonia on Gamecube. I would love to see a Tales character make the roster, but I think the chances of it happening are astronomically low.
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Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup?   Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? 07v2DaMThu Mar 20, 2014 4:19 am

Pretty much hoping for such thing to occur. Though I'm perfectly fine without.

I'd love to taste them jelly tears from FF fans for it not having any SE characters.

We all know Pac-man will be their guest char.
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Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup?   Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup? 07v2DaM

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Think any tales chars will make the wii u super smash lineup?
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