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 Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?

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Bo Staff Katana
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PostSubject: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMThu Feb 27, 2014 1:41 am

My Deviantart avatar is Bruce Wayne making that doofy-looking DAT ASS expression from Batman Returns

My Fanfiction.net avatar is Sundowner

My Youtube avatar is Gundam Legilis

My avatar on MyFigureCollection is an animated gif of Rise doing that dance move where she shakes her butt at the camera from the Persona 4 anime (come to think of it, maybe that's what my Batman avatar is reacting to)

My avatar on That Guy With The Glasses is an animated gif of Akane using her tonfa as a helicopter in My HiME Fuuka Taisen

My avatar on Spoony's blog is some chibi fanart of Izumi Noto that I used as my previous FFnet avatar

My avatar on Junk Guild is that giant dwarf statue from Desolation of Smaug wearing the Bane mask

My avatar on the Castlevania Dungeon is a black and white publicity photo of Emilio Estevez

My Talesforum avatar is the poster to Our Robocop Remake

I think I'm suffering from some kind of e-identity crisis.

Last edited by Abicion on Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:35 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMThu Feb 27, 2014 1:58 am

I'd like to believe mine does, but I'm not sure I am so grossly incandescent.
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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMThu Feb 27, 2014 2:02 am

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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMThu Feb 27, 2014 4:22 am

Not right now, but the one I'm using elsewhere
Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? O9VEENw
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Admin Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMThu Feb 27, 2014 5:18 am

My avatars have always been static images of anime/game characters so there's no real representin' myself there. Something like what Drake just posted would be a better fit. I'm a sleepy motherfucker.

OH! Wait, a while back I used this image as my YouTube avatar, so that fits.
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Bo Staff Katana
Fatal Old Man
Bo Staff Katana

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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMThu Feb 27, 2014 1:03 pm

I picked the avatar I did because Raven is my favorite character and my title here is Fatal Old Man, although an image of Raven is my avatar at gametabs.net. I feel like I act the same online as I do in real life, so Raven isn't the best pick. If I had to pick a Tales character that really represented me, it might be Asch (or SH Luke). I haven't put too much thought into this, so my answer may change.
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Hair Trigger Mage

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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMThu Feb 27, 2014 2:02 pm

I made mine mostly because I like the anime and the character (Lina Inverse, the main character from my favorite anime, Slayers) but in a sense...

Yeah, her facial expression does kind of reflect my internet persona, and a part of the kind of person I strive to be. I may not be all that successful in life at the moment, but damned if I'm not determined to keep going whether I manage to change that or not.

Elsewhere I use an icon of Pazu from Castle in the Sky (as that's my favorite Studio Ghibli film) or Akatsuki from Log Horizon (my favorite anime that is currently airing). These do not reflect me at all though. Well ok maybe Pazu reflects my adventurous spirit, but I am not a badass ninja assassin like Akatsuki.

Or wait, maybe she's a reflection of my inner tsundere...

[spoilerbox="image"]Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? N6HQfAU[/spoilerbox]
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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMThu Feb 27, 2014 2:42 pm

Gee I wish had something as fascinating to say about avatars I use outside of Reservia! O_O Most of the time I use whatever is on my mind at the time.

Now as fer what I'm using atm here, I couldn't let something as awesome and so well done as this just sit in a birthday thread. No way in hell!!11
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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMThu Feb 27, 2014 3:54 pm

Between chibi Landshark Warrior from 7th Dragon, the Idol from 7th Dragon 2020-II, female Protector 1 from Etrian Odyssey and the gay kiss from Exstetra, I have to say no.
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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMThu Feb 27, 2014 4:08 pm

I like Pikachu, but if one would randomly jump on me I'd feel somewhat uncomfortable, too.
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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMThu Feb 27, 2014 4:16 pm

Sometimes. Sometimes not. My current avatar, nope not really :')

Edit: Yay 100th post. Had over 10.000 in the original forums though ;w;
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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMThu Feb 27, 2014 7:53 pm

Suikoden wrote:
No matter what happens, I'll always see sliv as a bangaa

I have used a wide range of avatars in the past, including but not limited to:
In no particular order
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Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? LCymBjqDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 2NRAQzeDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? Ld0SARfDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 6W9iqYb
Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? NCcu9kTDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? XJJe4w6Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? XWeZLhYDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? Us6lu6j
Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? UGCipTMDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 8nEfIB8Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? A2MdbmbDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? HHd8ygT
Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? IaJJ5VFDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 4sRoOTqDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? ZrRojnbDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 8XvPQQ4
Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? GzqTms1Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? HOCX8cxDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 6rJMCFcDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? FYGaqPZ
Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? KxThyjPDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? TstpSCqDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? WnJfn0fDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 5oLUsL9
Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? ZyogfYqDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? ETk9jhlDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? M808imaDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? TJ35mxF
Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? YfNQxYaDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 5z56l3iDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 2MnNmE6Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? PFBatsg
Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? Ituv0b7Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? KisXYq0Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? ZnJBTfiDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? ESew94a
Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? NLEDgYMDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? IgUO7TMDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 7cjhOyuDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? L6Br4Po
Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? M8qXzp0Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? Io69lMn

Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 7GCxJELDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? IzhyiV7Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? ZTi24vODoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 3Cb0P37

Unsure about these two:
Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? Id4j65oDoes your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 12fg5hM

I couldn’t find the Fake Lunar set nor the Arcanus with TTGL glasses set =(

That makes at least 54 avatars.

I don't think my avatars have been linked to my internet persona at all to be honest.
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Admin Idol

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Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMThu Feb 27, 2014 8:02 pm

Kind of the opposite for you. That FF thing has become "Slivius" in my mind.
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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMThu Feb 27, 2014 8:06 pm

Jazzeh wrote:
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Hoenn Champion

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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMThu Feb 27, 2014 8:44 pm

I have no persona given this is me
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The White Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMFri Feb 28, 2014 1:39 am

this one probs not v.v but I have about 50 or so so I'm sure one of em does D:
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My Mule is Sexy

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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMFri Feb 28, 2014 4:11 am

The only ones I usually use... not really lol....
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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMFri Feb 28, 2014 4:44 am

Taiyz wrote:
Kind of the opposite for you. That FF thing has become "Slivius" in my mind.
You flatter me Taiyz. Materializing electric swords and breathing fire are nice abilities to rely upon in battle.
(Seriously though, having an entire class or race linked to  your memories of me is quite a delightful thing, even though it has been a while since bangaas made their last appearance)

HCSteven wrote:
I have no persona given this is me
Given statements have proven this to be false prior. Forementioned notwithstanding lacking prowess regarding expressing eloquence.
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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMFri Feb 28, 2014 11:51 am

Prinny wrote:
Jazzeh wrote:
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Kamen Rider

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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMFri Feb 28, 2014 2:54 pm

Gay ass lawyer seems to fit me pretty well.
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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMSat Mar 01, 2014 12:45 am

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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMSat Mar 01, 2014 2:28 am

wait is that the guy from those hentai games
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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMSat Mar 01, 2014 6:56 pm


and i would upload my spinning lloyd gif as my avatar but the forum says it's too large or corrput which doesn't seem to be the case at all for i just uploaded it to imgur
Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? FEYI2t8
good night sweet prince...
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Divinus Fulmen

Divinus Fulmen

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Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMFri Mar 07, 2014 1:59 am

Mine did. Well... Until my account got pruned wile I was out of internet.
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Admin Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaMFri Mar 07, 2014 2:13 am

Divinus Fulmen wrote:
Mine did. Well... Until my account got pruned wile I was out of internet.
Nothing happened to your account, check the announcements subforum, the forum was deleted and we created it anew.
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Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona?   Does your avatar accurately represent your internet persona? 07v2DaM

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