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 Recommendations for a Game Collection website?

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Admin Idol

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Recommendations for a Game Collection website? Empty
PostSubject: Recommendations for a Game Collection website?   Recommendations for a Game Collection website? 07v2DaMThu Apr 10, 2014 9:48 pm

So Film Aficionado and AnimeNewsNetwork have their respective fields locked down, and I'm sure there's a primo site for listing one's book collection, but I'm looking for a website similar in style to Film Aficionado that will let me show off my games collection.

Previously people recommended Backloggery to me, but that's an entirely manual system. There are very few standards, nothing stopping you from misnaming a game. You also can't click on a game and see neat stuff like the boxart or other owners of the game, etc.

I'm trying to avoid the sites that simply have collections as a side feature like IGN or 1up because Gamespot's the reason I'm searching for one in the first place.
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You > Evil

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Recommendations for a Game Collection website? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recommendations for a Game Collection website?   Recommendations for a Game Collection website? 07v2DaMThu Apr 10, 2014 10:56 pm

You mean, something like this?
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Admin Idol

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Location : Washi washi suru yo! / GANBA-RUBY!

Recommendations for a Game Collection website? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recommendations for a Game Collection website?   Recommendations for a Game Collection website? 07v2DaMFri Apr 11, 2014 3:20 am

Well, it's a lot closer to what I'm looking for, definitely. I still just kinda want something where I can grab a name and throw it on a list, and the site will do most of the work for me. That site is almost too much information, featuring various regions and accessories and whether you have the box, case, manual, whatever.
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Recommendations for a Game Collection website? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Recommendations for a Game Collection website?   Recommendations for a Game Collection website? 07v2DaM

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