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 You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better...

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PostSubject: You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better...   You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better... 07v2DaMMon Jul 07, 2014 12:37 am

I was a member of the old official Tales forums.  My first username was phantasiagirl but apparently there was another user who used to have that name so it caused a lot of confusion.  When those forums had the whole timewarp incident happen where a bunch of post were lost and new accounts were deleted (like mine was) I re-registered there as Xillia Millia (I don't remember if it had a space or not anymore, but it no longer matters).  Only thing I might be remembered for there was the Aselia Con thread I managed.  Then Namco shut down those forums, and I searched on and off waiting for the official forums to be up or a new unofficial forum to fill the void.  I had pretty much given up, but happened to come across this forum today by chance.  I don't like how the new official forum is so un-community like, so I'll likely stick around here for my Tales news and such.

Tales games I've played and am likely to talk about include Phantasia, Symphonia, Legendia, Abyss, Graces, and Xillia.  I also own Destiny, Eternia, and Symphonia 2, but I'm not very far on them yet so no spoilers please.  I plan on getting Xillia 2 when it comes out as well.  I've also watched all the Tales animes that have been made so far; and I guess that's all the Tales suitable for an introduction.

I suppose that's a good stopping point, so I guess I'll end it here.  But seriously advertise more, I had no idea this place even existed.
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PostSubject: Re: You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better...   You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better... 07v2DaMMon Jul 07, 2014 3:11 am

Welcome back Mixillia!

I remember you =)

Do you have any advice on how we could advertise this place more?
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PostSubject: Re: You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better...   You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better... 07v2DaMMon Jul 07, 2014 4:45 pm

Welcome back!

I made some advertizing on Tumblr, which brough some new members. Dunno what else we can do? Open for suggestions Very Happy
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Join date : 2014-07-07

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PostSubject: Re: You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better...   You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better... 07v2DaMMon Jul 07, 2014 5:26 pm

Slivendiferious wrote:
Welcome back Mixillia!

I remember you =)

Do you have any advice on how we could advertise this place more?

Didn't think I'd ever get called that again.  Very Happy  It's nice to be remembered.

As for how to advertise, I guess just posting a link in any Tales related forum you can find. I know I'd google "Tales forum" or something similar every once in a while, and this place never popped up (although I tried that again today and it does now, probably since I've recently visited it). I actually found this place through this topic:


I'm not one for social media such as tumblr or facebook so I would have missed any advertising done there, although I'm sure it caught the attention of lots of others. I did see this place was mentioned on Namco's new forums though, which is nice.

I know I found another Tales website through google searching, and they even a a forum topic asking if there was any new Tales hangout, but nobody knew of anything. Granted it's mostly a forum about a certain Tales related project, but Tales is Tales right?


I don't know if anything was posted on the Abysscal Chronicles forums either, but I used to check that place periodically and didn't see anything. I ended up not registering for that place because it was pretty dead, but if people are looking for a Tales forum it still might be one of the first places they find:


Even just mentioning this place when people ask for help in a Tales videogame or something on another forum would help draw attention. I know nothing I said is probably of much help, but at least throwing something in those 2 places might help draw more traffic. I don't want any other fans to have to wait forever to find this place like I did.

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PostSubject: Re: You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better...   You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better... 07v2DaMMon Jul 07, 2014 5:44 pm

Hello hello Smile I keep this place for myself so I don't advertise it Razz
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PostSubject: Re: You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better...   You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better... 07v2DaMTue Jul 08, 2014 12:00 am

Welcome back to Forums!
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Not Shirley Fennes

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PostSubject: Re: You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better...   You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better... 07v2DaMTue Jul 08, 2014 12:09 pm

welcome here ^-^
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PostSubject: Re: You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better...   You Guys Really Need to Advertise Better... 07v2DaM

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