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 Elympios (Spoilers?)

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Elympios (Spoilers?) Empty
PostSubject: Elympios (Spoilers?)   Elympios (Spoilers?) 07v2DaMWed Sep 03, 2014 10:03 am

There is something I'm not sure if I understand it correctly:
Is the name of the world Elympios (aside from Rieze Maxia) or is it just the name of the country/continent?
Sometimes it feels like this and then like that.

If it's just the name of the country then what is happening in the rest of this world? Are there still humans left or do they all live in Elympios?
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Yume Hanabi
Yume Hanabi

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Age : 36
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Elympios (Spoilers?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elympios (Spoilers?)   Elympios (Spoilers?) 07v2DaMWed Sep 03, 2014 11:46 am

It's the name of the country, and it's likely that Elympios was the only country in the world until the schism was dispelled and Rieze Maxia reappeared.
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