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 Looking for a suitable soundtrack for my movie project

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Join date : 2014-02-02
Age : 33
Location : Netherlands, The

Looking for a suitable soundtrack for my movie project Empty
PostSubject: Looking for a suitable soundtrack for my movie project   Looking for a suitable soundtrack for my movie project 07v2DaMFri Jan 16, 2015 3:32 pm

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am currently working on a 3 minute movie for my university about robots. It is about a robot designed by yours truly, and entirely self-shot and edited, and it is going to be awesome! But! I have yet to find a suitable soundtrack for my short film.

I'm thinking of theme songs along the lines of espionage films or heists, like Mission Impossible, the James Bond movies, Inception, The Sting, and even the more silly ones, like The Pink Panther and Johnny English.

There can't be any singing in it though.

Can you give me any suggestions?
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Looking for a suitable soundtrack for my movie project
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