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 Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4

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Admin Idol

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Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4 Empty
PostSubject: Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4   Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4 07v2DaMTue Nov 17, 2015 8:36 pm


I assume we'll probably get these as they aren't being made for dead handhelds.

PS: Sega this would be a perfect time to give Selvaria an out considering all the cameos you give her. I don't think anybody would really mind.
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King Cat the Sixth

King Cat the Sixth

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PostSubject: Re: Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4   Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4 07v2DaMWed Nov 18, 2015 4:02 pm

Remaster is VC1 or all 3? If it's just VC1 then meh. I thought they released VC1 on Steam quite recently?

Still need that VC3. I'd be down for a crappy/no remaster if only I can play it in English.

Azure Revolution seems like a spinoff and not VC4. Because by the sound of it, it's an RPG with different gameplay system with party battle of 5 and you control one of them in real-time action while others are AI-controlled.
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Admin Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4   Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4 07v2DaMThu Nov 19, 2015 3:02 am

I can't remember if this was with regard to a fourth game or a localization, but Sega has specifically stated that another console Valkyria Chronicles title was basically off the table until they came up with something new and fresh. This is the only way we were going to feasibly get more.

And considering that this is being billed as a remaster, I expect it to be of superior quality compared to the PC port, it's probably like a Zone of the Enders/PT scenario where they want to give their new engine a test run.
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Admin Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4   Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4 07v2DaMThu Nov 19, 2015 9:03 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4   Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4 07v2DaMFri Nov 20, 2015 2:19 am

Those screenshots don't look any better then the PC version.
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Admin Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4   Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4 07v2DaMFri Nov 20, 2015 3:50 am

Yeah, the first article confirms that they're using the original engine, but you can't really be comparing at this time when the screenshots are 502x283. =/
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Admin Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4   Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4 07v2DaMFri Nov 20, 2015 11:16 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4   Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4 07v2DaMSun Jan 13, 2019 10:40 pm

I thought every aspect of Azure Revolution went great... especially whatever engine or graphics situation they had setup (I remember it being called Gouache something or other), although ahem just the ending which I don't think is a spoiler to say I don't think worked well in it's original incarnation so I'm just silently hoping my own version works better haha..

I especially like the fact that like no one seemed to notice or care for once, like, ever, it seems that most major titles get hyper scrutinzed, scrutinzed, blergh, but that ended up just being like the VC franchise with VC4 and this game got to be unique in a number of different ways.
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PostSubject: Re: Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4   Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4 07v2DaMTue Mar 05, 2019 7:05 am

Back in the day and IMo still a bit SEga has had a bad reputation but nowadays I think it's improving a bit.

Gosh here I am again no surprise I'm interested in these topics though.
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PostSubject: Re: Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4   Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4th game coming to PS4 07v2DaM

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