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 Will I get bored if I play them back to back?

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Will I get bored if I play them back to back?  Empty
PostSubject: Will I get bored if I play them back to back?    Will I get bored if I play them back to back?  07v2DaMSun Feb 07, 2016 1:53 pm

I bought Xillia 2 a while ago and was about to start playing it, but then saw 1 is on sale on psn for $5. I'm considering buying it, but don't know how similar the games are etc and if I'd get burnt out.
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Bo Staff Katana
Fatal Old Man
Bo Staff Katana

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Will I get bored if I play them back to back?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will I get bored if I play them back to back?    Will I get bored if I play them back to back?  07v2DaMSun Feb 07, 2016 6:02 pm

In my opinion, there doesn't seem to be a lot of new areas to explore in Xillia 2 from Xillia 1, so going to the same places might wear on you some. Also, there is a big difference in how the parties are handled between the two games. I don't know if I want to say much more on that without spoiling anything. Maybe you already know. For these reasons, I do believe skipping to Xillia 2 would be fine.

On the other side, I feel you learn a lot about the main cast in Xillia 1 that you miss out on in Xillia 2. Please note that I don't read books or play a lot of rpg's outside of the Tales series, so each Tales Story has always at least entertained me, if not completely blew me away, so I don't mind playing through them back to back, but I can understand how it could grind on some people.

To summarize:
Pros of Playing Both:
1) Two full stories that flesh out the characters.
2) Slightly different game mechanics to check out between the two.

1) Revisit the same areas pretty much.
2) Arte Usage doesn't carry over (this kinda bugged me for reasons).

If you are just going to play one, I personally believe Xillia 2 was better, but that is just my opinion. I hope this helps some.
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Age : 30
Location : Rhode Island

Will I get bored if I play them back to back?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will I get bored if I play them back to back?    Will I get bored if I play them back to back?  07v2DaMMon Feb 08, 2016 3:06 pm

Thank you for the input Smile I'm probably just going to play 2 since I've gotten so many games on sale lately (Dragon Age Inquisition, Ni No Kuni, the list goes on...) and I'm never going to finish any at this rate.
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Will I get bored if I play them back to back?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will I get bored if I play them back to back?    Will I get bored if I play them back to back?  07v2DaM

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