So I've not played a Tales game since a few hours of Vesperia back in like 2010 and I want to get back into the series. Tales of Berseria and Tales of Zestiria are both on sale on Steam, and I was thinking of picking one up, but I'm not sure which to go with. From what little reading I've done, Berseria is much better liked than Zestiria, but it's also a prequel. Will this impact my enjoyment significantly? Given the massive time investment that a Tales game demands, I want to make sure I get the strongest experience. I'm leaning towards Berseria but curious to know what you guys recommend.
I would ask if the PC port is significantly inferior to the console version, as I've heard is the case with Symphonia (which I think I'm about to buy anyway because it costs approximately nothing right now), but I won't have my PS4 set up until I move somewhere with a proper TV, so that's pretty much immaterial to me.
In the meantime I'm gonna go back to playing DOOM.