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 Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)

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PostSubject: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 6:55 am

New game in the making! With a female protagonist this time. Thread will be updated, but until then, you can read more here.
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 7:28 am

Pirate, eh?
Not my kind of thing, but I'll wait. At least it seems original that our main character does something like that.
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Amazing Dawg Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 7:30 am

Hopefully this stays female protag until the end.

And it's Pirate themed. Either classic pirates, or go all out shounen rocking pirates. I'm hoping the latter. *Plays Gundam Crossbone theme*. She better start off as a typical pirate with the looting and pillaging.

Well this will be interesting to watch out for.
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 8:12 am

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Handsome Hobo

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 9:19 am

She looks like a Castlevania-styled Rutee.
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 10:05 am

Pirates, eh? Does that means this will have sea exploration? I really hope so~
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 10:34 am

Its funny we never had female protagonist before in a Tales game until now,and is this Tales the 16th main title?
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 11:37 am

Dcrigg wrote:
Its funny we never had female protagonist before in a Tales game until now,and is this Tales the 16th main title?
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 11:43 am

Dei wrote:
Dcrigg wrote:
Its funny we never had female protagonist before in a Tales game until now,and is this Tales the 16th main title?

Yeah but she doesn't count as a protagonist because in Xillia you had to choose between two protagonists who is jude and her so neither the two are a single protagonist.Come on dude I'm just saying how funny it is that they never had female to be a protagonist in a Tales game before
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King Cat the Sixth

King Cat the Sixth

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 11:46 am

Rutee and Milla had a lovechild.

Design is actually really cool for a savage-ish pirate, a bit overdone though. Also lacking in eyepatch or at least bandana.

If MC gets a sword, her fighting style should be like Ratatosk - savage, complete with Kuugashou for more Rutee likeness. If MC gets a gun, I hope she would go "Elemental Master! Muahahahaha"
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 12:50 pm

I want to see this character wield a cutlass and a flintlock pistol.

...I wonder if scurvy will be a status effect  pirat
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 1:15 pm

I also vote for a cutlass and a pistol.
And I really like her design, at least from the small pics of her...
Yarrr pirat
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 1:20 pm

I... am literally kind of angry. This isn't a new character, this is Milla in a goth-knight DLC costume that happens to have Rutee's colorscheme. This is the most uninspired character design I've ever seen. I moved a screenshot of Milla next to the screenshot of this lady- aside from slightly fuller lips and more eyelash, she has the exact same face. Along with the same bland expression.

Maybe if the game had a different style from Xillia it wouldn't be so bad, but they're recycling that graphics engine AGAIN. I was already miffed when they used it for Zestiria, which suffered from a bad case of 'hey haven't I seen this NPC before a hundred times over in Xillia (2)?'. Remember back when mothership titles all had unique graphic styles? =/

This feels like a slap in the face to me. A way of saying "Oh so you were complaining about our main heroines and how open to interpretation they were in Zestiria? Well here, have a game featuring basically Milla. You liked Milla, right? We'll make her a pirate just to emphasize that she's a Totally New Character, like we did with Patty Fleur."

Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) BOP9Erb
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 1:48 pm

Oh look a female protagonist with long hair, totally a Milla ripoff, guys. I will agree that they literally copypasted Rutee's colour scheme, though. Still, I think she looks pretty cool. I think it's too early to judge her entire character, especially just based off of her character design...
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 1:57 pm

Did you miss the bit where I said I compared screenshots to come to the conclusion that she has the exact same face- features, expression and everything? The fact that she has long choppy hair is the least of the comparisons I can draw here.

Her quote isn't very promising in terms of what sort of personality she might have (oh look, she's determined to reach the goal she set for herself, where have we seen that before...) but I'll give that much the benefit of the doubt. She might turn out to be surprisingly whimsical in a way that isn't 'oh look at this totally serious character discussing whimsical matters with a straight face'.
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Amazing Dawg Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 2:27 pm

The "devour them" bit is interesting tho.

Being a pirate tho, oIl really do hope she starts as a typical one. It'll be interesting to start a game with a character that's like Long Haired Luke again.
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King Cat the Sixth

King Cat the Sixth

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 2:36 pm

but wait, she'll devour her enemies. better than milla already =D
Hasta_Extermi wrote:
..I wonder if scurvy will be a status effect
Better stock up on those Orange/Pinapple Gel then.

...and by that logic, Scurvy might be status effect that deals with TP, like poison, but saps TP instead of HP lol

And yeah, I cast my vote for cutlass pistol combo also.

obtw, the logo design is very lazy tho
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 2:58 pm

I wasn't really expecting it to be about pirates but at least its something new. I do love how now we have regular milla, alternate universe milla, and now black-haired pirate milla.
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 3:00 pm

I'm excited but also sceptical.
But that doesn't mean much, because I am always sceptical about things that seem good at first.
This industry has ruined my optimism.

I don't care if her design is eerily Milla-like, as long as they don't add a huge, off-coloured cowlick. (Because I found that to be kind of silly.)
I hope they give her a good personality and I, too, agree that she should start off as more pirate-like, make her go through character development to be less of a bandit near the end.
Or have her remain a bandit-with-a-heart-of-gold all the way through, that would be even better.

Overall, I'd say it's far too early to pass judgement on whether she is a total rip-off or not.
Design-wise, maybe, whatever, I care more about what her personality will be, and a single quote is not enough to judge her by.
I changed my opinion on many characters simply by how they developed, so I won't pass judgement until I have actually played the game.
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 4:00 pm

This time is the graphics engine different?
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 5:08 pm

Why would it be different? They're already crippling the game by making it multi-plat.
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 6:02 pm

Meowzy wrote:
Did you miss the bit where I said I compared screenshots to come to the conclusion that she has the exact same face- features, expression and everything?

The same thing can be said for a lot of different Tales characters designed by the same person. I don't know why Velvet is such a special case lol
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 6:22 pm

Has it been confirmed that Velvet is the only playable character or will there be other party members? I've seen a couple publications saying that she is the only hero.
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 6:32 pm

Lloyzerdk wrote:
I've seen a couple publications saying that she is the only hero.

Lets not jump to conclusions

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaMSat Jun 06, 2015 8:23 pm

Lloyzerdk wrote:
Has it been confirmed that Velvet is the only playable character or will there be other party members? I've seen a couple publications saying that she is the only hero.
Main Character =/= Only playable character/only hero of the story
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4)   Tales of Berseria (Ps3 and Ps4) 07v2DaM

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