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 Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out...

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Admin Idol

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Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... Empty
PostSubject: Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out...   Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... 07v2DaMTue Oct 11, 2016 4:30 pm

Last edited by Taiyz on Sun Jan 08, 2017 10:33 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Hair Trigger Mage

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Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out...   Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... 07v2DaMTue Oct 11, 2016 6:26 pm


Snagged one THANK f***
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Admin Idol

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Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out...   Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... 07v2DaMWed Oct 12, 2016 1:55 am

No problem. I understand the appeal of a truly limited collector's item, but in this day and age people are too savvy for these things to not sell out in the span of a few days. I really wanted to import the 5th Anniversary set for Senran Kagura but that sold out the day they went up.

So yeah, glad I was able to find a unit myself and had to give you guys a fighting chance.
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Hair Trigger Mage

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Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out...   Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... 07v2DaMWed Oct 12, 2016 8:56 am

When I couldn't even order it the moment I first heard about it THE DAY IT WAS ANNOUNCED I was completely flipping out on Friday. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
(I was already feeling like shit so it was pretty easy to piss me off.)

Insult to injury was that they list "Limited to 10,000 units" as a FEATURE on the Bandai Namco Store page. In no way is a limitation a "feature".

Now that I think about it though, I seem to recall something similar happening to one of the Xillia CEs. It went up for preorder, then went down, then I snagged one when they went back up for preorder again.
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Admin Idol

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Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out...   Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... 07v2DaMWed Oct 12, 2016 10:47 am

Well, I'm sure what happens is there are multiple waves of pre-orders that go up. A small initial allocation, then extra allocations for each company as the big boys reach their individual maximums and reach out to the publisher for more units to sell. There's probably a priority list based on where the most sales come from per retailer, with GameStop at the top.

Like I said before, I get that a collector's edition that's actually a collector's edition is worth praising, but at the same time the rarity of such things always seems superficial. For example, there's no reason why Square-Enix couldn't produce more of the FFXV Ultimate Collector's Edition after launch, but even when the game was delayed to its now-final release date they claimed they were too far into production to requisition more or whatever.

Also go figure, another day and sold out at GameStop again.
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Hair Trigger Mage

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Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out...   Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... 07v2DaMWed Oct 12, 2016 12:09 pm

10,000 seems far too limited for Tales, even more so for FF.

At least it wasn't the LE of Neptunia Re;birth 1. There were only 1,000 of those, exclusively sold through Amazon and preorders opened at like 2am, selling out in like 5 minutes. I was so lucky on that one. Unfortunately it's so rare I can't justify opening it, which kind of ruins the whole experience and purpose of having it in the first place.
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Admin Idol

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Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out...   Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... 07v2DaMFri Oct 14, 2016 1:04 am

Yeah I remember that. Can't believe you even snagged one, thankfully Idea Factory got their shit straight after that and actually have a newsletter and stuff to keep track of these things.

Also updated the title since GameStop has stock again.
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Admin Idol

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Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out...   Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... 07v2DaMTue Oct 18, 2016 5:06 pm

It's now listed on BestBuy.ca. No Benifu keychain, same cost as importing from GameStop but no chance to incurring duty charges.
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Velvet Crowe

Velvet Crowe

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Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out...   Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... 07v2DaMMon Nov 14, 2016 8:35 pm

its sold out now, your going to have a hard time finding it now.

the resale of it is pretty ridiculous.

I manged to snag one recently. So i am good.
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Admin Idol

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Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out...   Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... 07v2DaMMon Nov 21, 2016 1:09 am

Thanks for the heads-up. Haven't been around to update the thread.

Also yeah, same deal with the SAO Hollow Realization CE which was limited to 10k units as well. Really small amount for big name franchises (even if they're niche compared to the gaming community at large.)
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Admin Idol

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Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out...   Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... 07v2DaMTue Nov 29, 2016 10:51 am

So almost a week ago, Amazon.ca canceled all their pre-orders for the Tales of Berseria CE. This was after they had it up for order for one day and sold out during that day.


Real bullshit that they do this after BestBuy.ca and EB Games both sold out their allocated units, thankfully I pre-ordered from BestBuy. This is why I don't pre-order games from Amazon.ca, they do stuff like this far too routinely with niche games and limited edition items with no accountability whatsoever, a horrible retailer for collectors.
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Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out...   Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... 07v2DaMSun Dec 04, 2016 1:14 am

That's so ridiculous. I've stopped trying to preorder high ticket items from Amazon because iirc they did something like that to me too (I forget now what it was).

I preordered the standard PS4 edition from Gamestop earlier this week when I went to pick up FF15. The two guys working the registers were really excited because they want the game too.
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Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out...   Tales of Berseria Collector's Edition currently sold out... 07v2DaM

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