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 Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus)

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Admin Idol

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Join date : 2014-02-02
Age : 35
Location : Washi washi suru yo! / GANBA-RUBY!

Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus) Empty
PostSubject: Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus)   Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus) 07v2DaMTue Jan 10, 2017 3:21 am

So I'm not seeing anybody talking about this, thought I'd post about it since the demo is out now. Digital pre-orders, on both PS4 and Steam, will net you a 15 minute skit with Berseria's characters talking about the Tales series, like the old Viva - Tales of! DVDs that came out in Japan, and the Tales of Festival skits and such. We don't know how it will be delivered, hopefully through PlayStation Video and Steam's on-demand storefront rather than an in-game thing.

http://aselia.wikia.com/wiki/Viva_-_Tales_Of! for posterity.

Also, pre-ordering on PS4 gets you a ufotable theme.
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Join date : 2014-02-04
Age : 33

Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus)   Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus) 07v2DaMWed Jan 11, 2017 3:51 pm

I guess these are no longer of the fabled county of Tale merch. Beyond being a pre-order bonus. They could cover a lot of ground in 15 minutes!
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Admin Idol

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Join date : 2014-02-02
Age : 35
Location : Washi washi suru yo! / GANBA-RUBY!

Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus)   Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus) 07v2DaMThu Jan 12, 2017 11:06 pm

Here's hoping they have the decency to make it purchasable after the fact. I can understand not making themes purchasable after the pre-order opportunity lapses (though I'm still not a fan,) but I hate digital exclusives for games that have Collector's Editions.
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Admin Idol

Posts : 1808
Join date : 2014-02-02
Age : 35
Location : Washi washi suru yo! / GANBA-RUBY!

Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus)   Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus) 07v2DaMTue Jan 24, 2017 9:08 am

For anyone curious, it uses the PS4 soundtracks app menu style with the skit as an extra option in a basic video player with pause, play and 8x fast forwarding/rewind. Sub-only which is a shame, because Magilou is super fucking annoying in Japanese, though Benifu is annoying in any language.It's just over 15min long.
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Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus)   Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus) 07v2DaM

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Viva - Berseria! (Berseria digital pre-order bonus)
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