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 Ash and Jasmine in Sailor Moon?

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Join date : 2014-02-02

Ash and Jasmine in Sailor Moon? Empty
PostSubject: Ash and Jasmine in Sailor Moon?   Ash and Jasmine in Sailor Moon? 07v2DaMFri Dec 12, 2014 10:31 am

To be more precise, the old voice actors of Ash Ketchum and Jasmine, the Olivine Gym Leader, previously voiced by Veronica Taylor and Tara Jayne respectively, have been heard as voice actors in the Viz dub of Sailor Moon. I will admit I never expected that considering Taylor is Yuya's Mom and we haven't heard much of Tara Sands since Tiger and Bunny. The episodes they were featured in were episode 4 of the Rainbow Crystal arc.

Tara plays the part of Yumemi Yumeno (Peggy Jones/Lani Lanai), holder of the Green Rainbow Crystal, great artist and unknown host of Binna (Venna).

Veronica has two roles: The first being Janelyn (Janelle) the female ice skater. The second being Katarina/Papillon, an old friend of Mina(ko)'s.

Considering Tara is almost in her 40's (Why can't she stay in her 30's she'll never find work), and Veronica is in her late 30's, this is quite the feat. Especially considering the fact these two were on fans dream dub casts. Kinda makes you wonder. With the connections these two have now, will they be in Hyperdevotion Noire?
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Ash and Jasmine in Sailor Moon?
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