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 FUNimation finally going back to their Bandai backlog

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Admin Idol

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FUNimation finally going back to their Bandai backlog Empty
PostSubject: FUNimation finally going back to their Bandai backlog   FUNimation finally going back to their Bandai backlog 07v2DaMSat Jun 25, 2016 4:32 pm

Just throwing this out there, the complete blu-ray collection of Lucky Star comes out in July and FUNimation is finally releasing all their Haruhi stuff with the exception of the movie in September, but they are strongly hinting that the movie is coming soon after. Unfortunately it seems like they won't have all the extras in tact, but most of them, plus ones that never came to America before.


This is also an excuse for me to link this to people:
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Hair Trigger Mage

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FUNimation finally going back to their Bandai backlog Empty
PostSubject: Re: FUNimation finally going back to their Bandai backlog   FUNimation finally going back to their Bandai backlog 07v2DaMSat Jun 25, 2016 5:38 pm

With Zestiria the X about to air on their platform, this would be a good time for them to market a re-release of Tales of the Abyss, too. Really hope they do, and while I would freaking *love* a dub, I kinda doubt they'll make one since it's so old and didn't have one before. They're really gonna need to release Abyss on Blu-Ray though to make it worth double dipping. We only got a sub-only DVD release before...
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Admin Idol

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PostSubject: Re: FUNimation finally going back to their Bandai backlog   FUNimation finally going back to their Bandai backlog 07v2DaMSat Jun 25, 2016 8:18 pm

The question is whether the Lucky Star OVA will receive a dub or not, since Bandai never gave it one. The re-release of .hack//G.U. Trinity did not receive a dub and FUNi never seemed to go after that .hack CG movie, so I wouldn't expect special treatment for previous Tales releases.
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PostSubject: Re: FUNimation finally going back to their Bandai backlog   FUNimation finally going back to their Bandai backlog 07v2DaMSun Jun 26, 2016 7:24 pm

I'm still having an internal conflict of whether or not I should buy the light-novel of Haruhi.
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PostSubject: Re: FUNimation finally going back to their Bandai backlog   FUNimation finally going back to their Bandai backlog 07v2DaM

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FUNimation finally going back to their Bandai backlog
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