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 Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)

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Yume Hanabi
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Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMSat Jan 24, 2015 6:35 pm

Not entirely sure if spoiler, but... Casual reminder that the DLC skits made this happen: https://i.imgur.com/z4BaYEb.png

And from what I can tell, none of the characters mention the hat(s).
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Amazing Dawg Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMSun Jan 25, 2015 3:31 am

You know, I just thought that he cameo choices they made for Zesty is based from the Team Symphonia/Fujishima and Team Destiny/Inomata split of various aspects of the series.

It makes me wish they also added either an Okumura/Radiant Mythology artist/Shiina decision. I would love to face a Legendia cameo anytime Namco.
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMSun Jan 25, 2015 10:01 pm

Spoilery rant full of swearing for your horrified enjoyment~

...Not sure I understand how they could purposefully make it worst than Dawn of the New Xillia but, wow, this sounds bad.
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMSun Jan 25, 2015 11:31 pm

Saeko wrote:
Spoilery rant full of swearing for your horrified enjoyment~

...Not sure I understand how they could purposefully make it worst than Dawn of the New Xillia but, wow, this sounds bad.
I am going to love this game.

You know.


I loved Dawn of the New Xillia, so why not?
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMSun Jan 25, 2015 11:49 pm

Saeko wrote:
Spoilery rant full of swearing for your horrified enjoyment~

...Not sure I understand how they could purposefully make it worst than Dawn of the New Xillia but, wow, this sounds bad.

Yeah, my hype for this game has taken a significant nosedive. The only things I'd disagree with from that post are the "visually unappealing Mystic Artes" and "no healing artes outside of battle". Inns are practically useless in this series when you can just enter a battle and spam normal attacks to replenish TP. At least this way, there's slightly more emphasis on item management and not tanking everything in the game.
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMSun Jan 25, 2015 11:50 pm

I agree with Abby on that post, I agree with like 70% of it and its quite alarming, I'm hoping new game plus with its extra scenes sheds some light on this? Maybe there's more to the plot if you're not rushing through? Maybe the Seraph
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Lord o' Smug

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMSun Jan 25, 2015 11:58 pm

So, this game's final boss is Rockgagan? Reaaaaally?
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Amazing Dawg Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMSun Jan 25, 2015 11:59 pm

tumblr post wrote:
why the **** canā€™t you use healing Artes off battle?
Has he/she played Graces? I think Destiny R also was like this.

So much hate.
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Handsome Hobo

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMMon Jan 26, 2015 12:08 am

Chances are I'll love this game unironically. Sounds awesome.
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King Cat the Sixth

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Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMMon Jan 26, 2015 2:40 am

Smuglord wrote:
So, this game's final boss is Rockgagan? Reaaaaally?

most shounen tales ever? most shounen tales ever.

Though, they probably should take example from Cyber Connect's Naruto games and put in QTE for the hell of it. I'm in the mood for button mashing shishi senkou showdown a la rasengan vs chidori

or bamco should let cyber connect handle a tales game, they'd at least make a better bigass boss fight

also, that Indignation denial is funny to watch.

And I love that Kamui's Hi Ougi is taken from Destiny 2, even if only in name. major props
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Amazing Dawg Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMMon Jan 26, 2015 4:10 am

That Shishisenkou roar needs more GAR and shouting imo. But it was so shounen lol.
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Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMMon Jan 26, 2015 8:37 am

Oh, hang on, the New Game Plus actually has extra scenes? Was this confirmed?
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Yume Hanabi
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Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMMon Jan 26, 2015 11:32 am

Hey. Not reading this topic because I'm avoinding spoilers, but I got my game today and I'm doing a liveblog/summary of it a bit like I did with Xillia a long time ago. Note that unlike the Xillia summary, I'm doing this one on first playthrough, so there's probably gonna be some misconceptions and misunderstandings, so be warned that not everything I say will be accurate. Anyway if you're interested I'm leaving the link here =)

(If you want to say something to me about it please do it via PM, as I said I'm not reading this topic and so won't check for replies here.)
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Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMMon Jan 26, 2015 11:49 am

Smuglord wrote:
So, this game's final boss is Rockgagan? Reaaaaally?

I loved that battle results scene xD
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Crystal Power

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Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMMon Jan 26, 2015 12:08 pm

Saeko wrote:
Spoilery rant full of swearing for your horrified enjoyment~

...Not sure I understand how they could purposefully make it worst than Dawn of the New Xillia but, wow, this sounds bad.
Oh no Bamco just didn't! One of the best things this game had going I'm like 45% serious about that, known to us as Alisha get's treated like this!?

Copied from the Rant

I really didn't mind Rose, she is cute. But she is so Basic from what I hear in personality and most definitely in design. But now after seeing how they decided to glorify Rose while not even giving Alisha a permanent party role is disappointing after all the promoting they did for Alisha. Who wrote this games story and who decided to promote Alisha so heavily.

EDIT: Breaking News! I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier but they basically just treated Daigo Okumura's characters in this game Alisha and Dezel like crap. But they have glorified Kosuke Fujishima's Sorey and Rose characters, does this sound like a coincidence? LOL.
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Crystal Power

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMMon Jan 26, 2015 1:47 pm

Just learned that huge rant is from someone who haven't even played the game yet...
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMMon Jan 26, 2015 5:51 pm

Yeahhh, I'm taking that whole rant with a grain of salt, but it does raise a few very valid points. I'll see what happens when I play the game for myself, but right now I'm not amused at all the limitations and complications in gameplay, as well as how the cast basically gets neutered by bad script writing.
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Crystal Power

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMMon Jan 26, 2015 7:12 pm

Yea, same here after I learned the tumblr user never even played the game, now I even question their knowledge of Japanese. Their rage was overly dramatic, so it was more like a outburst and it can't be taken to serious.

As you said it does have many valid points and I am concerned about the cast now too, also as I had mentioned. "I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier but they basically just treated Daigo Okumura's characters in this game Alisha and Dezel like crap. But they have glorified Kosuke Fujishima's Sorey and Rose characters"

We know Dezel's and Alisha's fate is indeed true. But If what the ranter says is true the ones who have most dialog are Sorey, Rose, Mikleo, and Lailah. That is a bit a bit worrying. Because those four belong to Fujishima and Inomata. So they basically just treat the other cast members poorly.
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMMon Jan 26, 2015 8:10 pm

To be honest, I think it's more of a coincidence which characters get shafted and which don't, in terms of character designer. Zaveid and Edna were both designed by Minoru Iwamoto and they gets lots of attention too. As for Okumura... Well, he just got unlucky, I guess.

Here's another list of Zestiria bulletpoints, which was written by me. Based solely on streams though, so like I said, the verdict's not out just yet. If there's indeed New Game Plus with additional scenes, I might change my opinion on some of these things.

- Some extreme limitations in gameplay (both inside and outside battles) that are there for no reason. Even something as simple as selecting fun attachments has ridiculous limits now. Plus, where are the pictures of the items/equipment that we find/buy? Why would they remove this feature when they could just recycle most of those pictures from Xillia?
- Additional complications in gameplay that are there for no reason. Things such as the skill menu and the equipment menu have become far too contrived for players to make the most of them.
- Cast is hit or miss for most people. Either you like them or you don't. Even if you do enjoy them, you'll just become angry that most character arcs don't seem to have a proper resolution to them. (whether this is true or not is debatable, but it sure seems that way based on everything leading up to the final dungeon)
- Far too many plotholes that go unexplained, which makes it seem like the characters are making some very questionable choices along their journey.
- The music is also hit or miss. Go Shiina's tracks are great, the others not so much. Much debate about the opening song as well. Personally, I like it, others think it's too 'different'.
- The camera is absolute shit.
- There's a lot of post-game content, none of which involves what all the fans are actually crying out for.
- False advertising I can forgive, the lack of justification behind it I cannot.
- The fake spoilers that were posted on Gamefaqs turned out to have a far more interesting, in-depth and believable plot than the game offers us in reality.
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMMon Jan 26, 2015 8:20 pm

Yeah I am trying to reserve judgment, I will full well be playing the game for myself before I say whether I truly like it or not, but from initial impressions I'd have to agree about the general opinion of the plot elements that are being tossed around.

Also Meowzy, about additional cutscenes

I'm really enjoying Yume's commentary, it has a much more fresh (positive) and indepth view of things! I'd recommend it to everyone for a balanced spoilery view of the game pre-playing it.
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Crystal Power

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMMon Jan 26, 2015 8:44 pm

Meowzy wrote:
- False advertising I can forgive, the lack of justification behind it I cannot.
False Advertisement, Are you talking about this whole Alisha fiasco?

ShivKH wrote:
I'm really enjoying Yume's commentary, it has a much more fresh (positive) and indepth view of things! I'd recommend it to everyone for a balanced spoilery view of the game pre-playing it.
Gonna check it out now, On youtube? Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMMon Jan 26, 2015 9:10 pm

Just look up a few posts she's linked it, she is compiling her impressions in tumblr posts!
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Crystal Power

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMMon Jan 26, 2015 9:14 pm

ShivKH wrote:
Just look up a few posts she's linked it, she is compiling her impressions in tumblr posts!
Haha! I can be so oblivious at times! ^^;;

Thank you Shiv. :- )
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Amazing Dawg Idol

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMTue Jan 27, 2015 8:38 am


They finally did it.

If it were characters that we wouldn't normally plays as cause of a legit story reason or added characters (like Muramasa) it's fine. But this. This.

I'm so close to jumping from this ship.


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King Cat the Sixth

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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaMTue Jan 27, 2015 9:25 am

Alisha Side DLC? It's like they were planning for this all this time, teasing us from the very first video about Alisha being heroine, then omit her from the main game to make people mad and scream "we want alisha goddammit" so they can do this.

Or probably they just backpedaled on their decision after the outrage. Unlikely though.

Strangely, I'm not even mad (actually not that strange, never really care for female character. bros before hos), but I sure hope they bundle this DLC together in the localized version.

nice hat tho

DylDawg wrote:

gg brb replacing my sides

EDIT: Damage Control Alert! The DLC is free from 12th Feb to 28th Feb. Hahahahaha
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS)   Tales of Zestiria Discussion (SPOILERS) - Page 3 07v2DaM

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